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Author's Pov:
It was Jake who has a dangerous black panther beside him, making the girls gulped including Adhithi, she wasn't aware of such creature. Suddenly, the panther went near Adhithi which made her shiver.
"WTF" Monika yelled in as she was scared hugging Aradhya who is also scared as her. 

"Jack" Adhithi whispered making a pout at the panther who was rubbing it's neck against her legs. She stood still thinking as precaution. 

"Let her be Ma'am, after all she wants to meet her mother" Jack said controlling his laugh at his madam's cuteness which made their eyes widened. 

"What the hell! Are you out of mind?"Monika yelled. Jack looked irritated, somehow he was aware of them because of him being a secret bodyguard for her.

"I am sorry and I wasn't supposed to answer you. If you feel uncomfortable then you may leave the house" Jack spoke politely and they stood irritated. Adhithi sat on the sofa and the panther didn't leave her but sat before her like a small puppy showing her tongue. That's when they heard a deep laugh behind them and found Abhishek standing there laughing playfully at his scared wife. The panther roared again and jumped on him and licked his face. 

"Hey, charcoal." He let out as he fell down at her attack of affection. The girls stood there numb."Forgot to introduce to you baby, She is Nala.. Our daughter. Adhithi ma.." He said which made her eyes widened. Aradhya was still processing what was happening.

"Don't tell me it is your pet?" Adhithi spoke in a shivering voice, Abhishek chuckled.

"Of course baby, she is our first child." Abhishek said while creasing her fur on her body as she was laying on the ground looking it her mother lovingly as she wanted the attention. Aradhya stomped away from the house along with her friend as she couldn't stand his sweet words towards her sister by the man she likes who is her sister's husband now.

Abhishek's eyes went dark when he saw her behavior.
"Jack" He called, Jack gave him a polite nod as a response.

"The girls who were here before aren't allowed inside this mansion anymore" he said with his eyes on Adhithi's expression. He relaxed when her expression wasn't hurt or disappointment at all. He chuckled as she was kept on looking at Nala and Nala also staring at her. Jack was almost controlling his laugh.

"Na- Nala" Adhithi called after gulping and she got happy and jumped on her and licked her face as Adhithi started giggling. She was really fond of animals due to her sister in law's allergies for the animals fur made her to held back from keeping pets.

Adhithi sat after she left and Nala made her way to her lap climbing on the couch and laid on her with her back showing her front. Adhithi chuckled at her behavior and creased her stomach lovingly.
"Why this cat family always being cute even though they look scary?" She commented and the men chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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