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Dearest gentle reader, I must send felicitations to the new Duke and Duchess of Hastings. Congratulations and stamina as they embark on the most exhilarating time in a young couple's life. I am, of course, talking of the honeymoon. Is there a more romantic notion? To retreat from society together... finally leaving watchful eyes behind.

While this author, along with the rest of the ton, will certainly miss its most-remarked-upon couple back in London, perhaps we might find solace in the promise of the duke and duchess returning to us bearing a surprise.

Daphne and the Duke had left on their honeymoon a mere few days ago, Lady Whistledown voicing her own sorrow with the season's most delectable couple having left them already. A sentiment a large portion of London's society could agree with. But with the Duke and his, now, Duchess riding away from the ton's prying eyes in early marital bliss, everyone was left to wonder who would be the next love match for Lady Whistledown to swoop down and catch in her meddling talons.

Marianne took a turn about the gardens with her brother and children. Thomas had run off to play with Gregory and Francesca, and William held in his arms a rather fussy Alice who seemed persistent on wrapping her tiny fingers around his nose and squeezing it, giggling as she did.

"Thomas!" Marianne called out, "Try not to go too far!"

"Yes, Mama!" He called back as he raced with the Bridgerton children between plant pots that wobbled at the speed of which they chased.

Marianne shook her head, and it was then that she saw her brother trying his very best to enjoy a conversation with Prudence only for his believe to keep grabbing his nose and making his voice sound all strange and high-pitched. Marianne was surprised he hadn't handed Alice of to herself yet, but realised he was likely enjoying the way Prudence was cooing at Alice, using her child to gain points with the girl he was courting.

"Marianne!" She turned at her name being called, only to smile pleasantly as Eloise marched over.

"Eloise, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You like a good story as any lady of the ton, do you not?" The girl cut straight to the point.

Marianne blinked in surprise, "Why, yes, I suppose so. . ."

"So, you think you would not be opposed to spreading a rumour or two? Exposing people for who they really are?" The Bridgerton girl continued, notebook clutched tightly in her gloved hands, "You are a woman who pursues the truth, are you not?"

Marianne chuckled, starting to see exactly where the girl was going with this, "Eloise, you know I do value honesty very highly. But if you are suggesting I am Lady Whistledown, may I suggest you reconsider your deductions?"

"But it makes much sense for you to be her and her to be you." Eloise said, eyes sparkling so brightly they blinded her from sense, "You have much more free time on your hands since the end of your marriage to the Marquess, and many people entrust you with their secrets. Surely you'd jump at a chance to exploit that?"

Marianne raised an eyebrow, "Eloise, do I really strike you as someone to betray the trust of my closest friends? People tell me their secrets as I am good at keeping them."

"Which is why you chose an anonymous name to write under —,"

"Being Lady Whistledown would be a betrayal. Not just to those you have trusted me, but to myself and my own beliefs." Marianne spoke, her voice calm and steady as always, a twinkle of amusement sparked in her eye, "I am flattered for your claims and I admire Lady Whistledown a great deal, but I would not deceive anyone so greatly."

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