Daisy looked surprised, "really? a boy?" She asked, "why not a boy?" The blonde combatted, "because little boys grow up to be teenage boys." Daisy said. "Teenage girls are just as bad, maybe worse!" Charlie laughed, "but at least they aren't gross."

The pair smiled at each other, "maybe a girl would be nice." Charlie eventually spoke, she placed her hand on top of Daisy's. "Have you thought about when you wanna tell your parents yet?" Daisy enquired, Charlie thought for a moment, "I mean you aren't supposed to say until you've finished your first trimester.

"That's just if you're being cautious, don't you wanna tell your dad?" The brunette questioned, "I don't know, I mean aren't we technically having a baby out of wedlock?" Charlie teased. Daisy playfully hit the woman's arm, "it's not like I got you knocked up!" She laughed.

"Also we're twenty seven! we're not teenagers in high school."

Charlie looked down at her stomach, "I'll tell him tomorrow." She told Daisy, her girlfriend squeezed her hand. "He's going to be so excited." Daisy spoke, "I know, but he's going to be constantly texting and calling after."

"You know that love it when he gets overbearing." Daisy stated, Charlie didn't get chance to answer however, her phone began to ring. "It's my mom." Charlie said, she sat up, answering the phone. "Mom can this wait? Me and Daisy are kinda in the middle of something." She asked.

"Charlie, we need to talk now, it's important." Her mom told her, Charlie stood up, keeping the phone against her ear. "What is it mom? is everything okay?".

There was a shaky breath on the other side of the phone, "I need you to drive over Charlie." Her mom said, "mom it's like a forty minute drive, can't you tell me now?" Charlie enquired, "you should really come over for this." The woman justified.

"Mom I can't spend the entire drive wondering about it, you need to tell me now." Charlie affirmed, "sweetie it's about your dad."

Tears welled in Charlie's eyes, she paced back and forth in the room, "if it's about dad then you have to tell me now, what if I cry whilst driving and crash because I can't see?" She forced a laugh. "Mom just tell me, if you're getting a divorce, it's fine i'm an adult now."

"Charlie..I don't know how to say this." She could hear her mom begin to cry, "your dad he..." She trailed off- letting out a cry.

Charlie rolled her lips inwards, Daisy looked over at her, "is everything okay?" Daisy asked.

The blonde ignored her girlfriend for a moment, swallowing thickly. "dad what?" She pried, hoping her mind was merely reaching to the worst places. "After his last session..he checked himself into the hospital." Her mom informed her.

"And he's just in the hospital right? he has something treatable and they caught it just in time."

"I rushed there as soon as I could Charlie, but I couldn't get there in time." Her mom sobbed, unable to say the word, it all felt too real. "Don't call me Charlie, that's what dad calls me and that's what he'll call me tomorrow and the day after that and every day until im seventy."


Lottie stared out of the the window, "are you sure you're okay to do this alone? I can go in with you." Daisy offered, Lottie shook her head, "It's fine Daisy, I need to be alone for this." She reassured.

"Are you sure?" Daisy questioned, "completely sure, I'll call you when i'm finished okay?" Lottie put on her best smile. Daisy looked uncertain but she nodded nonetheless, "you can call me before then if you need anything." She told Lottie, who gave a nod in acknowledgement. Lottie leaned forward to give the woman a kiss.

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