Summer at Blickling Hall

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"I present to you, Queen Anne Boleyn with her daughters, Princess Elizabeth Tudor and Princess Margery Tudor," a courtier announced as the three stepped out of the carriage. 

Anne beamed at the people standing, one of her hands being clasped tightly by Elizabeth and the other arm holding Margery tightly. Elizabeth, who was soon to be two, had recently learnt to walk and she loved toddling around on her chubby feet. 

Anne had decided, on Henry's suggestion, to spend the summer at Blickling Hall where she had been born and had grown up as a young girl. She had decided to bring her girls with her, so that they could enjoy her old childhood home. 

As Anne walked into her home, she was greeted by familiar faces and friendly acquaintances. She was guided into a large parlour room that looked out onto the enormous gardens and vast territory of the Boleyns. 

Anne entered the room and sat down, with Elizabeth on her right and holding Margery in her left arm. Her family entered soon after. 

First came her father, Thomas Boleyn. He was an old man now. With wrinkly features on his once youthful face and a big belly, filled with food and wine. 

On his arm was his wife, Elizabeth Howard. Elizabeth was younger than her husband, yet her face was still worn with age and her usually lively figure was tired and drooping. 

Behind her parents, Anne's brother, George entered with his wife, Jane Parker. The two looked young and well-rested and they held each other's gaze warmly. 

"Dear Anne, how long it has been since we have last seen you!" Thomas Boleyn said, kissing his daughter on her cheek. 

"I have missed you all," Anne replied, "It is wonderful to be back home." 

"Come, Anne," Elizabeth Boleyn said, taking the younger Elizabeth's hand, "let us eat outside. I find the fresh air much better for my old age." 

Once the adults were seated outside, Margery and her older sister were taken inside by a nurse to rest. 

"When is Mary coming?" Anne asked, taking a bite of a biscuit. 

"Your sister shall arrive tomorrow," her father replied, "along with Catherine and Henry." 

Catherine and Henry Carey were Mary's children from her marriage to William Carey who had died in 1528, seven years prior. Catherine was ten years old and Henry had just turned eight. Anne looked forward to seeing her niece and nephew again. 

"Are you expecting any children?" Anne asked her brother and sister-in-law. 

"No, unfortunately not yet," Jane Parker shook her head sadly, "but I hope to be with child soon." 

"They can be handfuls, Jane, dear, believe me," Anne told her, "I have only had two, yet they cause more mischief than any children before." 

"Why, Anne! Elizabeth and Margery are the sweetest girls ever born," her sister-in-law exclaimed, "are you and the king having any more children." Anne nodded slowly.

"Yes, Henry wishes for a son and I wish for nothing more than to satisfy his wants," She said thoughtfully. 

"Sons are good things, Anne, I hope you have many heirs for the King," Thomas Boleyn told her. 

Anne did not reply and a quiet settled over the group. They ate in silence and once they were finished, they decided to take a stroll around the gardens. 

"Have you thought about betrothals yet for Elizabeth and Margery?" Thomas Boleyn asked Anne. 

"I have not." was Anne's short answer. 

"And, His Majesty the King?" Thomas Boleyn prompted. Anne shook her head. 

"He has not, Father, though I am sure it is on his mind. Once we return to him in August, I will ask him on the matter, if it please you, Father." Anne assured him. 

"That is good," her father told her, "your daughters need strong husbands to empower England." 

Anne nodded but said nothing, her mind was far away. Had Henry thought about betrothals for Elizabeth and Margery? Her sweet little girls, neither above the age of two. 

Had he already betrothed them without her knowledge? Without her consent? Worries and doubts filled Anne's mind but she pushed them away. She had a few short months here at Blickling Hall and she was going to enjoy them. 

She was going to cherish her time back at her home before she was forced back into the duties of a Queen. She was going to take her mind of Henry and all of his mistresses. She was going to find a way to give him his heir, if only it would make him love her. 

She would do anything to fell as if he still loved her. 

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