✧ Part 3 ✧

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He looked asides and said " Yes, i go there just to meet her and i cooked for her. " His Mom got shocked at his reply then she scoff and said " You must be joking, right. " He stepped back little and turned to avoid his mom gaze and said " Of course, i can do everything for her because she's my wife. "

"Aren't you giving her divorce?" His Mom asked with concern and stared into his eyes with piercing gaze. She had been worried about his forced marriage to her and now she was trying to persuade him to end it.

He took a deep sigh while looking up at the ceiling and puts his hands in his pockets and said "No, Mom, I'm not giving her a divorce. I think about this a lot, and now i determined to make this marriage work."

His Mom grabbed his arm while turning his face towards herself as her eyes were filled with worriedness. "But, Gabriel, you weren't happy with this forced marriage, and neither was I. You deserve someone who loves you, not someone who was chosen for you." She spoke softly as trying to give him reason.

He continually looked at his Mom's face while her eyes searching for answers. He knew she was right, but he couldn't give up on his marriage yet. "Look, Mom, I know I wasn't happy at first, but things have changed. Rumi is kind hearted, and I want to make this work." He spoke firmly.

"Don't do this, my son," she tried to convince him as her voice was laced with concern. "She's not worth your happiness, Gabriel. Please, don't throw away your life on someone who doesn't love you back."

But he was resolute and said in a firm voice while his jaws were clenched. " You don't know anything Mom, I love her Mom, that's enough for me......and one thing more I'm not giving her a divorce at any cost. Remember that,"

He stepped upstairs to his room as his heart was heavy with the thought of giving her divorce. He couldn't bear the idea of losing her even if their marriage had been arranged against his will.

As he entered his room he closed the door behind him with a loud thud making sure to shut out his mom's worried gaze. He switched off the lights while plunging the room into darkness and lay down on his bed and start staring at the ceiling.

At this moment, flashbacks of him with her hits him harder than ever. He remembered the way she smiled, the way she laughed, and the way she looked at him with her piercing honey amber eyes. He recalled their late-night conversations, their silly jokes, and their meaningless talks.

His mind was racing with memories, his heart was aching with longing. He couldn't imagine a life without her by his side and the thought of divorce seemed like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from.

As he lay there lost in thought and realized that his love for his Rumi was stronger than ever. He was willing to fight for their marriage, no matter what his mom or anyone else said.



8 years ago...

"Gabriel and Taeyeon, the principal is calling you to his office," their math's teacher announced as her voice was firm but concerned as she entered the classroom. Tae shot at him a worried glance his eyes were wide with a "we're in trouble now" expression. Gabriel just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Chill, bro, let's go," trying to sound calmer than he felt.

As they entered the principal's office they were taken aback to see their fathers already seated there while looking stern and furious. The presence of a 40-year-old woman they didn't recognize added to their confusion. She was dressed in a elegant black suit, her hair pulled back in a tight bun and her eyes fixed on them with a mixture of sadness. Gabriel raised an eyebrow at Tae and started signing discreetly, "Who's she?"

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