courosant chaos pt 2 date

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Thorn:So we are all in agreement?
Bly:All right let's get spying

Thorn added Rex, Cody, thire, wolffe, fives padme and Anakin to let's spy on fox

Thorn:All right everyone report your positions.

Padme:me and Anakin are in the restaurant they're right next to us!
Fives:In the kitchen. Don't know
Cody :Ready with  a camera.
Wolffe:Outside in the escape car

Fox:So uuuuuuhh what's your favorite color?
Padme:*silently face palms*

Thorn:Wow he is bad at this
Rex:Negative Rizz.

Riyo:Giggles it's red and how about you?

Rex:Oh we all know why those are the colors they chose.


Fox and riyo holding hands

Fox:Thanks for agreeing for this.Can I repay you for this?
Riyo:You don't need to thank me. And you can
Kisses him
Padme, Anakin, Cody, Rex, and thorn all take pictures of the two of them.
Fox and riyo then exit the place

Riyo:Do you ever feel like you're being watched.


Thorn:Hey fox how was the date?
Fox:It was good.
Thire:Any details?
Fox:Fiiiiiiine.we ksssd.
Fox we kissed okay.

Padme:How was the date?
Riyo:Awesome! We even kissed!
Padme:That's so sweet. And the plus is you can see him even when he's on duty. He could use the help. From what I know th guard aren't treated that well.
Riyo:Really well if they don't like my man or his brothers then they can say hi to a battle droid.


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