Anakins hot takes

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Ahsoka:Master what are your hot takes?

Obi wan:his only hot take is thinking we don't know about is his "secret relationship" with senator amidala

Anakin:No one of my Hot takes is that twilight is a good love story.

Cody:You're joking right?
Obi wan:I agree.
Ahsoka:I love twilight Edward and Bela are the best!

Rex:what did you just say?

Ahsoka: I'm on team Edward why?
Rex:Then you gave me no choice.

Fox:- then I said you can't just say percy Jackson movies are good!


Runs past them.

Fox:What's that about?
Rex:I'll kill you!
Also runs by
Thorn:It's probably nothing.

Fives:What else you got general.?
Obi wan:No more hot takes!
Anakin:cereal is a soup


Kix:Jesse killed himself!

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