plo koons tea part 2

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Mission impossible music playing

Cody starts rolling around the Jedi. Temple kitchen

In the control room
Rex:How did we get clearance into the Jedi temple?
Bly:I have my ways...
Doom:Just f#ck the right people

Cody:Alright I'm going through the drawers aaaaand ah ha! Found it!
??? :What was that?
Cody in a whisper:guys there's someone here.
Cody hides behind a counter barely before the person looking for him

Tiplee:*yawn* I guess it's nothing
Walks away
Cody:Phew anyway..
Grabs the recipe and runs out the temple and onto a speeder bike.


Cody:alright it says tea leaves from ... 79's!!?
Wolffe:Da-I mean general plo has been to 79's!
Rex:What else is in there... Sugar, stevia, wait... Deathsticks!?!
Cody:I swear Jedi are all drug users.
Fox:Welp let's get going.
Fox:That tea isn't making itself you bantha dongs!

Montage of them collecting ingredients

Rex:All right. 12 hours, all my brain cells ,Doom's, sanity and blys dignity

Wolffe:I'll give it to dad and apologize. Thanks so much guys.
Walks away

Fox :Did he say dad?

Wolffe :Dad?
Plo koon:Wolffe what are you doing here so early how have you been?
Plo:What's wrong?
Wolffe:I drank all your tea...
Plo:did you like it?
Wolffe:Yes.. A-and to apologize me and some others  helped out to make some tea for you just like yours!

Plo:Thank you that's so sweet!
Takes a single sip and almost pukes.

Wolffe:I knew you wouldn't like it...
Plo:no no it's*gags*great..
Wolffe:thank you thank you thank you!
Once he leaves plo spits the tea out
Plo:ugh tastes like kenobi's...

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