plo koons "tea" part 1

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Wolffe:so I said you couldn't get a geonosian to f you if you tried!
Fox(Sarcastically):Wow very funny..

Bly:I know right!
Whilst laughing on the ground
Rex:Hey guys!
Fox:Sorry man but this is a commander only conversation CAPTAIN Rex.
Fox:Yea-wait you're agreeing with that?

Rex:*sigh*I leave for three days and he found plo koons stash of tea.
Bly:Isn't it general kenobis thing tea?
Cody:Yeah but he's still alive so it can't be kenobi.

Doom:We're dead like officially dead.
Thire:But he's nice.
Cody:Yeah exactly and this is how we repay him!
Neo:Just to be clear:I'm not included in this conversation.
Fox:no sith ass hole!
Bly:Now get lost ice cream!
Rex:Dude you know neo is a snitch
He'll tell his general!

Fox:You mean stass Allie?!
Bly:Rex she's a joke.
Rex:That's rude
Stass:Hey you'll pay for that you-aaaagh!
Gets hit by a broomstick
Oddball walks away
Rex:We're in so much trouble!
Fox:Anyway let's just get general plo some new tea!

Doom:We don't know the recipe...
Cody :Let's get it then!
To be continued...

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