Chapter 41: Remorse and Rebuild

Start from the beginning

"It's because of that nature," Jeonghan responds, a hint of blush gracing his cheeks, prompting Jisoo to stifle laughter with a hand over his mouth.

"In any event," Jisoo claps his hands together as he rises from the bed, "I come seeking a favor..." Jisoo trails off, approaching Jeonghan. "What ails you?" Jeonghan queries as he brushes his locks with a wooden hair implement. "You must journey to the Yungju River and investigate the anomaly there."

"What anomaly?" Jeonghan asks incredulously. What anomaly could possibly afflict a river? "You shall discern it upon arrival," Jisoo cryptically responds, leaving Jeonghan standing in contemplation. "I implore you, do not refuse, for it is imperative! Take Seungcheol with you," Jisoo adds before exiting the chamber, leaving Jeonghan and Seungcheol alone.

The tension lingers as Seungcheol rises, making his way to the small planters adorning their quarters, which cultivate roses. Seungcheol plucks one, disregarding the thorn that pricks his finger, and approaches Jeonghan, who stands before the mirror by the river.

Seungcheol locks eyes with Jeonghan in the reflection as he raises his hands to place the rose delicately in Jeonghan's hair, eliciting a flutter in Jeonghan's chest as he closes his eyes in response to the tender gesture.

"Prepare yourself, we shall depart anon," Seungcheol's words carry a softness as he retreats to the bath chamber.

Jeonghan clutches his chest, heart pounding, as a heavy sigh escapes his lips.

One, Seungcheol appears perturbed.
Two, why must they venture to the river?

Seungcheol and Jeonghan stood amidst the regal stables, deliberating over their choice of steeds for their brief journey.

"Your majesty, I fear we may only provide a single mount today. The brown one's health has waned, requiring respite," the caretaker informed, gesturing towards the slumbering equine.

"Very well, one shall suffice," Seungcheol acknowledged, the caretaker acquiescing before leading forth the black stallion from the last stall. Its form was robust, its demeanor emanating strength and nobility, fitting for the king's royal horse.

"Shin has been groomed meticulously," Seungcheol nodded approvingly as the caretaker relinquished the reins, prompting the stallion to approach. With a neigh, Shin strode towards Seungcheol.

"Is he yours?" Jeonghan's inquiry broke Seungcheol's reverie, turning his gaze to Jeonghan, who regarded Shin with admiration.

"Yes, he has been my companion since childhood. Shin is somewhat aloof with others and takes time to warm up--" Seungcheol's words trailed off as he witnessed Shin nuzzle into Jeonghan's hand. Jeonghan chuckled at the ticklish sensation, stroking Shin's sleek black coat. Smooth yet coarse, a blend akin to Seungcheol himself.

"He's quite affectionate," Jeonghan remarked with a delighted squeal as Shin nestled further, causing Jeonghan to stumble back into Seungcheol's embrace, who steadied him. "Shin..." and the stallion ceased, obedient to Seungcheol's command.

"Let us depart," Seungcheol suggested, guiding Jeonghan away from his reverie and towards Shin, whom he mounted gracefully.

"You may ride in the carriage," Seungcheol insisted, prioritizing Jeonghan's safety over any inconvenience. He preferred Jeonghan's comfort in the carriage rather than on horseback.

Jeonghan's smile waned, nodding in acquiescence. Was Seungcheol once again distancing himself? The notion stirred Jeonghan's ire and frustration.

The journey passed in silence, with Jeonghan ensconced in the carriage and Seungcheol astride Shin, each lost in their thoughts as they embarked on their expedition.

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