Are you there Father? it me your pissed of Daughter.

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In the grand scheme of things, discovering that I was a reincarnated super being should have been the most pressing issue at hand. However, the complexity of my newfound identity seemed to pale in comparison to the more immediate concerns surrounding the events that had unfolded the previous night.

The events of the previous night continued to haunt me, leaving me wide awake despite the exhaustion that threatened to consume me. While i had been able to erase the memories of the human guests, ensuring that the supernatural occurrences remained hidden from the mundane world, i found that i could not so easily forget the shocking display of power she had witnessed.

The image of my sister, Elena, kneeling beside the wounded partygoer and drawing healing energy from the earth itself, was seared into her mind. It was an ability that defied explanation, a seemingly innate power that I have seen in eons or in this plane of existence.

The implications of Elena's newfound ability weighed heavily on Cassandra's thoughts, a mix of fascination and fear washing over her as she pondered the potential consequences.

Chaos, my enigmatic father, materialized before me, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You know, I was wondering when you would call," he mused, his voice dripping with amusement. "I thought you were just going to continue poking around with your toys."

I rolled my eyes, unamused by my father's jest. "Considering the fact that you are omniscient, you already know why I called," i retorted, my tone equal parts exasperation and impatience.

Chaos's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Yes and no. I won't be telling you," he teased, seemingly delighting in Cassandra's frustration.

With an air of nonchalance, Chaos took a seat and began to leisurely eat toast, leaving me to stew in my mounting impatience.

My frustration reached a boiling point as my father continued to toy with me, withholding the answers i so desperately sought. "Baba, this is not funny!" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with desperation.

 Chaos's expression softened as he regarded his daughter. "I know, my little sunlight," he said, his tone laced with understanding. "But since your memories are returning, you must understand why I can not tell you this. Anything pertaining to your future is forbidden. You have to figure it out yourself."

I felt a scream of frustration rising within me, the enormity of the situation threatening to overwhelm me. How could i be expected to navigate these treacherous waters alone, without the guidance of the one people who should have been able to help?.

My confusion only deepened as Chaos elaborated, "But it is your future, too. Elena is your twin, after all. She shares in some of your fate, just like what you have with Entropy. It's not as extreme as with Entropy, but it's still there. You are allowed to see everyone's fate but your own. We can see your fate, but..."

"But you can't tell me," i finished, the weight of the situation settling heavily upon my shoulders. "Have I mentioned how much I hate those three bitches?" she muttered, referring to the Fates, the ancient deities who had woven the very fabric of destiny and, in doing so, had bound my hands.

Chaos chuckled, a warm, rich sound that echoed through the room. "I believe you may have mentioned it once or twice," he said, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

Mikaelson Mansion. 

The atmosphere in the Mikaelson household was tense, Klaus's usual air of bravado replaced by a deep-seated concern for his sister. Rebekah had been unwell for some time now, her pallor a worrying sign of a deeper issue.

Elijah, having recently arrived, wasted no time in getting straight to the point. "How long has this been happening?" he asked, his gaze fixed on Klaus.

Klaus shrugged, feigning nonchalance, though his true feelings of worry lingered just beneath the surface. "Since we returned to this town," he replied, his words revealing the gravity of the situation.

It was clear to both brothers that there was more at play than a simple illness, and the longer they remained in this town, the more entangled they became in its mysteries.

Rebekah's screams of agony pierced through the air, sending a chill down Elijah and Klaus's spines. "Make it stop, make it stop!" she cried, her body thrashing against Elijah's firm hold.

In the living room, the brothers were at a loss for answers. "You said it began when you came back to this town," Elijah began, his voice thick with concern. "When exactly?"

Klaus furrowed his brow, delving deep into his memory. "After you and Rebekah returned, I was going to talk to Pandora. But our dear sister decided to be petty and snap Pandora brother neck."

A sudden realization dawned on Klaus, his gaze shifting to Elijah. "You don't think this has something to do with Pandora, do you?"

Elijah finished his drink in one swift gulp, his expression grim. "I don't know. The only person who can answer that is her. So why not talk to her?"

Gilbert Residents. 

The sound of my knuckles rapping against Elena's door echoed through the hallway, cutting through the silence. "Hey sweetie, can we talk? There are some things I need to tell you, but not here," i said, her voice filled with urgency.

Together, Elena and Cassandra made their way to the local grill, the casual atmosphere offering a sense of security amidst the looming uncertainty. As they took their seats and prepared to delve into the conversation, two chairs were abruptly pulled out beside them.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" Klaus's voice rang out, a sinister smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Don't mind if we join the conversation, do you?"

I felt my muscles tense, my irritation is visible at my face as once again  klaus has ruined my day with my sister.

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