career day

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I was typically restless in my slumber, found myself engulfed in a rare moment of tranquility. Within my dreamscape, i was drawn towards the same  magnificent tree adorned with luminous fruits. Nearby, the two young girls from her previous dream frolicked in carefree play.

A gentle smile graced my lips as i observed their joyous antics. Soon, the girls took notice of her presence and gleefully bounded in her direction.

"You came back!" exclaimed the blonde-haired girl.

"Of course," i replied warmly, "though I'm still confused about where this is."

The dark-haired child beamed and replied, "You're in the ether, silly! Have you forgotten? This is where souls who haven't been born yet begin until they're ready to be born."

A sudden, heart-wrenching pain surged through my mind, causing me to fall to my knees. The feeling was as though my very soul was being torn asunder. The blonde girl scolded her dark-haired companion, "No, she mustn't know her future! It's forbidden!"

In a violent jolt, i was yanked from my dream, my screams reverberating through the room. The echo of my terror rippled beyond the confines of my home, causing the entire town to quake and tremble as if in response to the disturbance within my own soul.

Elena burst into Cassandra's room, her concern for her sister palpable. She enveloped Cassandra in a warm embrace, feeling the heat radiating from her body. In response, Elena's hands began to emit a soft, healing glow as she whispered soothing words, "You're home, it's okay. You're here." Gradually, Cassandra's trembling form began to relax under Elena's gentle touch and calming words.

Caroline, who had followed Elena into the room, handed Cassandra a glass of ginger and lime drink, a family remedy to help ease the lingering distress. As Cassandra sipped the beverage, Jeremy voiced his concern, "What the hell was that?"

In an attempt to brush off the severity of the situation, i casually replied, "Just the universe fucking with me again."

Elena, far from amused, scolded her sister, "That's not funny, Cassie. You were in pain and screaming. How can you be so nonchalant about this?"

Despite my cavalier attitude, i couldn't help but feel a sense of unease about the episode i had just experienced. Deep down, i knew that dismissing the incident wouldn't make the truth of my connection to the supernatural world disappear.

Sensing that tensions were starting to rise between Elena and Cassandra, Caroline deftly interjected, "Don't forget, it's career day today! We need to get ready and be at school soon."

Her reminder served as a gentle nudge to refocus their energies on the day ahead. The importance of career day loomed large, offering an opportunity for the students to explore potential futures and find inspiration for their own paths.

Cassandra, recognizing Caroline's attempt to diffuse the situation, took a deep breath and nodded in agreement. "You're right, Caroline. We shouldn't lose sight of what's important today. Let's get ready and make the most of career day."

Elena, though still concerned about Cassandra's well-being, forced a smile and added, "I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to talk about this later. For now, let's concentrate on the day ahead and see what our futures might hold."

With the air of tension somewhat alleviated, the friends prepared for the day, each harboring their own mix of excitement, apprehension, and lingering worry about the unknown forces that seemed to be at play in Cassandra's life.

Salvatore manor.

The crackling of the fireplace filled the silence as Damon stood before it, a glass of bourbon in his hand. He took a sip, savoring the warmth of the drink as he waited for his brother to speak. The sound of footsteps behind him caught his attention, and he sighed, "Spit it out, Stefan. Purge it out."

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