A dance with the devil.

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Third person pov.

In the heart of Chicago—the windy city known for its historic gangsters and roaring twenties glamour—a clandestine world thrived beneath the surface. The supernatural community had found a home in this bustling metropolis, weaving their otherworldly presence into the fabric of the city.

Amidst the lively backdrop of a bustling nightclub, a striking figure made her entrance. Her red heels clicked rhythmically against the pavement, announcing her arrival with each confident stride. A girl with fiery red hair and glossy red lipstick graced her lips, casting a bewitching smile at the bouncer as he ushered her inside.

The music pounded, reverberating through her body as she stepped into the club. A sudden surge of happiness and excitement washed over her—she had missed this feeling. Eager to lose herself in the pulsating rhythm, she grabbed a few willing partners and made her way to the dance floor.

As she swayed to the beat, the weight of the world seemed to lift from her shoulders. The music consumed her, carrying her away on a wave of euphoria. With each passing moment, her heart raced faster, and a smile remained plastered on her face. She felt as if she were floating on cloud nine, her worries dissolving into the entrancing atmosphere.

The more she danced, the more the feeling of euphoria grew, and she wanted nothing more than to be consumed by it. Laughter escaped her lips as she continued to dance, fully embracing the exhilarating freedom that enveloped her. In that moment, she was utterly and blissfully alive.

In the shadows of the club, a man with piercing golden eyes observed her every move. His gaze was fixated on the way her red dress accentuated her curves and how the people around her seemed to fall under her spell like hapless victims of a siren's call. He attributed this alluring power to her Petrova lineage.

As one of the dancers grew bolder, wrapping his arms around her waist, the golden-eyed man felt an overwhelming urge to rip the dancer to pieces. Jealousy and possessiveness surged within him, foreign emotions that had been growing steadily over . His obsession had begun to border on insanity, with his every thought consumed by the enigmatic woman before him.

He couldn't discern if his fixation stemmed from the woman herself or the allure of her power, but either way, the intensity of his emotions was becoming harder to control. The rage within him swelled as he watched the scene unfold, his canines threatening to break through his gums as the primal urge to protect what he perceived as his grew stronger.

Trying to regain a modicum of self-control, he shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind of the disturbing emotions that she had stirred within him. He knew he needed to leave before he lost control completely and turned the entire club into a bloodbath.

Just as he was about to make his exit, he saw her moving toward the bar. Seizing the opportunity to maintain a connection to her, he compelled one of the bartenders to give her a drink, instructing them to say it was from one of her friends. As he watched the scene play out, he knew his obsession had reached new heights, and the consequences of this dangerous fixation would soon come to a head.

Cassandra pov.

Three months of trying to handle my emotions and battling creatures that should have been dormant until now, it felt free for a brief moment to just forget everything.
As I made my way towards the bar, the euphoria from the high I was experiencing continued to wash over me. The sensation was nearly indescribable—a happiness that I had almost forgotten existed. My heart rate remained elevated, my breathing deep and even, as if I could shout from the rooftops without a care in the world. I chuckled to myself, feeling a sense of contentment for the first time since this whole ordeal began.

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