She opened the door and let me in first before she got in. Then she told the driver the adress of Mr. Marco's house. I thought it will take long to get there but just a few minutes later, we arrived at the huge gate and got inside. Wow, this is more like a mansion. I hide the amazement in my face.

"This way Ms. Hazel."

She leads me inside the house and let me sit and wait in the long sofa. She left saying she will call Mr. Marco. I took my phone from my bag and saw Airon's message.

["Babe, we finished our practice and meeting early. Hope you get home soon."]

I smiled but didn't get a chance to reply 'cause Mr. Marco shouted my name while coming downstairs.

"Hazel! I'm glad you came." he walked up to me and was about to hug me but I stepped back. "Ohh sorry. Have a sit."

I sighed and then sit again. He's sitting in front of me. "Tss, I just came here to-"

"Linda! Please bring us some tea or coffee and whatever foods that is." he cutted me off. The maid instantly brought tea and coffee and cake. The fuck is this. Tss. "What was it again Hazel?"

I rolled my eyes then looked at him. "What do you need from me?"

He gently smiled, "I just want to have my daughter-"

"Please cut the lies. What are you doing in my Dad's company? Why are you threatening them?" I calmly asked. I can't lose my temper or show him my anger. I'm afraid he will do something more to my family.

"Hazel, I just want to see you and be a father but they don't want to tell me where you are. That's why I did that." He explained.

"Huh? Just because of that? Do you have any idea how they built that company? They've worked really hard-"

"You don't understand Hazel, I really need you so I got that far-"

"What do you need from me?!" I raised my voice and asked him directly.

He was shocked and then he looked down. He sighed. "I'm sorry but I really need you. I will continue to black mail and make your family miserable until you come with me."

I glared at him. "What a cruel words to say. To hear from my real father."

I got up to leave but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. Gently. "Hear me out first if you want me to leave your family alone."

"I don't want to hear anymore words from a person like you. You don't know what a real family is. Coming here was a mistake." I grabbed my hand back. Then I started to walk.

"Okay, I'll tell you the real reason." he ran after me. We stopped at the door. "My other daughter ran away from home."


"I arranged her for marriage in able to save my company. I already got their help and now they want to see her and plan the wedding but she ran away. So I came here to-"

"To ask me to take her place and be the bride instead of her. Or else they will take back what they gave you?"

His face lit up like he is expecting me to agreed. "You smart kid. Yes yes, you're right. You're my daughter too so they will accept-" I cutted him off again.

"I can't blame her from running away. Having to deal with a person like you, who thinks his daughters are some kind of toys that he will give to others in exchange of money. Sorry Mr. Marco but don't expect that you can ruin our family and... I'm not your daughter." I said then left without looking back.

I wander off the street until it gets dark. My phone rang and saw Semi is calling me so I answered it.


["Haze! Where the hell are you?"]

"On my way home. Why?"

["Well, Airon texted me asking if you're still here. He said you will come home."]

"Uh.." I got exposed hehe but still, I won't tell them that I went to Mr. Marco and talked to him. Damn, I can't process it all.

I heard him sighed. ["So, where did you go?"]

"I am looking for a job, Semi." I said. It wasn't a lie 'cause I really do. No, I will just do hehe.

["Haze, don't push yourself too much. I already applied to many job this day. If I got hired you won't need to work-"]

"It's okay Semi. This happened because of me so please. The burden is so heavy to carry. Having a job and support myself and my family is the least that I can do, for now."

["Tsk! Fine, but always take care of yourself. And don't make your borfriend wait any longer, he's now really worried for you hahaha."]

"Yea, thank you Semi. Please take care of Mom and Dad."


I sighed and hanged up. Then I texted Omi that I'm going home. I rode the bus and sat beside the window. I stared at everything we passes on. So peaceful and full of happy people, I miss hanging out. Without worrying and thinking about anything else.

"Miss, can I sit here?"

I looked at the guy who sat beside me. Tss, why did he bother to ask if he will not hear my answer. What if I said no. I sighed again and looked outside.


I was startled when he hissed. He's looking for something he can't find in his pocket. Being a concern citizen, I asked him but not in a nice way hehe I'm in a bad mood. "The hell is your problem?"

He looked at me and smiled awkwardly. "Hehe I think I lost my wallet."


He stared at me. "You're beautiful, you know?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine, I'll lend you some money."

"Hahaha I'm not asking for money. But thanks." he said.

"K." I said and looked at the window again.

"You somehow looks like the person I know." he spoke again.

"And?" I asked without looking at him.

"I'm Chase. Can I take a picture with you so I can show it to her?"

"Fine. Make it fast 'cause I'm about to get off." I said so he can shut up now.

He took a photo with me and thanked me. I got off the bus immediately 'cause he's not planning to stop talking. Then I walked home, alone.

Near my house, I saw Airon in front of their house waiting for me. I stared at him from a far before I ran towards him and hugged him from behind.


He took my arms and faced me. "Baby, where did you go-"

"Omi, I'm hungry." I said making a cute face.

He sighed. "Let's go. I already cooked our dinner."

I smiled at him and hugged his arms while walking inside their house, still wearing my uniform. He's wearing sweater and a short. He looks hot and handsome whatever he wears.


"Iris! Look, I saw your look a like girl."

"Huh? What are you saying Chase? Get out!"

"So mean. Just take a look will ya'?"

"Fine. Let me see."


"Oh my.. Chase, w-where is she? She's my sister."





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