Start from the beginning

Ashwatthama says as Rukmi thought for a moment before nodding ad the soldiers let them enter while a maid showed them the path to princess room.

"you saw that?"

Ashwatthama whispered as karna gave him an impressed expression making ashwatthama fake scoff as he whispered again "you don't know how much talented I am. Don't take me as a joke"

"I never knew, brahmin can lie too" Karna whispered as ashwatthama's eyes widen before he look at karna with a pleading expression, whisper begging "don't tell pitashree about this. By the way why are we here though?"

"to abduct Rajkumari Rukmini"

" better be kidding, I am not helping you"

"too late"

Karna look at ashwatthama's done expression before they both straighten their posture when they stand in front of princess's room.

"you can go now" The maid look at them in confusion as ashwatthama whispered "the Princess's choice should be a surprise for wedding, right?"

The maid nodded lightly as Karna sighed by seeing how ashwatthama is fooling that oblivious maid before the maid left as they both entered the room.

The room is very big, luxury, beautiful must have felt like a cage, karna thought as he watch the princess standing down from the bed upon seeing unexpected visitors.

"you both are?"

"Rajkumari Rukmini" Karna said rukmini nodded making karna smile who then continued "we came from Dwarka"

They watch rukmini's eyes sparkle brightly as Karna mention Dwarka before he says "technically we are here to abduct you but I hope you will cooperate"

Rukmini nodded as karna opened the closed window of her room silently as the three watch the height of the window from ground before karna look at ashwatthama making ashwatthama roll his eyes.

"oh, come on"

Ashwatthama opened his turban before securely tying it to karna's turban as he then tied the conjoined turban's one end to the window before throwing other end outside.

Ashwatthama felt eyes on him as he look down to notice it is rukmini who is watching making him speak "I might hate that Dwarkadheesh but I am not a bad person"

Rukmini smiled nodding as karna get down the conjoined turban to check it's strength before nodding to ashwatthama who helped rukmini to get down the turban before coming down himself after her.

The three sighs before they run outside the palace only to see an army in front of them with an extremely outraged Rukmi in front as he glared at his sister making her step back.

Karna look at Rukmi before seeing chariot of Dwarka behind the vidarbhavs army as he look at ashwatthama, signing him to notice Dwarka's chariot which ashwatthama did only to nod before grabbing rukmini's hand while karna summoned his bow.

Just when karna pointed his arrow towards Vidarbha's army, Ashwatthama ran with rukmini towards Dwarka's chariot where krishna and Balram are standing as they notice both ashwatthama and rukmini running towards. Balram look at them happily before he notice krishna's frown as he followed krishna's eyes direction only to Sigh when he realised that krishna is frowning because ashwatthama is grabbing rukmini's hand.

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