dream show pt 2 [seungmin]

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You and Seungmin for the remaining of the show stayed together as the show went on. The time you spent together was full of mischievous wit and fun. When it was time to go, you were devastated. You grumpily sat on the floor, with your arms crossed. Seungmin watched you as he sipped his water.
Realisation hits you when you realized that the PuppyM costume was too heavy and you couldn't get up on your own. You turned to Seungmin for help, who caught on and playfully stuck his tongue out. You reached your hands and wiggled them out, begging him to help. Leeknow walked by, chuckling at your attempts. He nudged Seungmin, urging him to just go help you. Seungmin finally sighs before putting down the plastic bottle and reaching for you paws. With the help of Leeknow, they both pulled you up in no time. You stood on your two feet, mad at Seungmin's late response to your cry for help. You swiftly snatched your hands away and left the stage with all of the SKZOOs. Before disappearing, you turned around and fist fighted at the air facing him. He stared at your actions quietly laughing, and you left him in awe as you turned to run away.

Honestly, what a night it was to Seungmin, after the show he was, the least to say, exhausted. A deep breath left him as he jumped straight to bed after a long shower. His mind raced over the interactions with you. He giggled at your little rampage, remembering your kapows in the air as you left him. It makes him quite curious of who you really were outside of that PuppyM costume. He wanted to meet you and see you. But when would he get the chance to? He sighed once more before crawling into the sheets and closing his eyes, slowly drifting off into his own dreamland.

Sadly the final day of the concert arrived. You frowned as you sat next to Lexi, mind wandering to the previous two days. You honestly could say that it was the best time of your life. It makes you sad knowing that today will be the last that you would see Seungmin up close. Lexi could read your mind, patting your back in sympathy.
"Hey at least you got to see them up close unlike me. I was stuck with the controls throughout the whole two days. Consider yourself lucky to even have the chance!"
You hate to agree, but it's true. Who else would have gotten the chance to experience that? You have to spend the last day well, and cherish every moment.

The familiar words to call you and the other SKZOOs on the stage rang through the room. You put the PuppyM costume on one last time (or so you thought 😉). You quickly ran out to the stage, eager to meet him once again. Seungmin spots you right away, and you once again felt him in your embrace. You heard his small whisper of "I'm glad to see u". His fingers wrapped around your PuppyM paws and guided you through the stage like the previous two days. But this time was different, you made sure to appreciate every last moment of the concert.

An hour full of dancing, laughing, singing finally came to an end. Stray Kids lined up together with their SKZOOs, saying their final farewells to the fans.
Seungmin's mind suddenly had an idea as he was listening to the members talk about the other concert in Japan... What if...?

You, unaware of his plan, sadly hugged him goodbye. You wiped your fake tears and fanned your eyes as Seungmin wrapped his arms around you.
"Hey whoever you are inside, can you wait for me a bit longer after the concert? I want to ask you something." he asked.
You pulled away and tilted your big PuppyM head. You weren't sure what he wanted to ask you but you nodded anyways. Probably nothing bad right?

You patiently waited for him. You checked the time for the nth time. Were you suppose to wait here? What if he forgotten?
But he didn't forget, and soon after your thought, he appeared in front of you.
You stood up right away and took a quick bow. He was left baffled by your manners and he also took a quick bow.

"Sorry to keep you waiting... I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the Japan TOY World Concert a few weeks later. I asked the manager and he told me that as long as you agree, they can arrange you to come along..." He glanced up at you but immediately went back to look at the ground. He honestly didn't expect for someone like you to have been hiding under the costume. He felt the warmth creeping up his cheek and he tried to brush it off.
You stared at him as if you have heard the best news in your life.
"You really want me to go?" you questioned, not sure if you've heard correctly
He nods, "Yeah I really enjoyed you being PuppyM so I wondered if you could continue to- if you want that is..."

The corners of your mouth unconsciously turned upward. "I would love to come!"
His head shot upward and looked at you.
"Why not."
He grinned, clearly excited about your agreement. He cleared his throat before saying, "Great! I'll tell my manager and he'll tell you. I was also wondering uh..." He hesitated for a bit, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Go on, I won't judge." you encouraged him.
He gave you a shy smile and took a deep breath.
"You free tonight?"

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