it's the eyes that got me first pt.2 [han]

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-Written in Y/N's POV-

It's been a month since I have met Han. He actually made time in his busy schedules to come by my shop every few days. He must love Bbama lots, and I can see the efforts he's giving to learn and perfect everything. With his frequent visits, he slowly opened up a bit more every time he came to my dog salon. Each visit was left with easygoing conversations and funny memories. The way he shows his humor just comes out of him so naturally, I have no idea how he does it, I guess it's probably natural talent. It wasn't long before I found myself catching feelings for this boy. He just has everything a boyfriend could possibly have- love, humor, loyalty, visuals-

"Y/N!!! The beautiful man has entered the room, aren't you going to come and greet me?"

I glanced up from my phone and smiled at the glowing boy. He was holding a big container in one hand, and frantically waving with his other. This boy is just cute. I put my phone down and walked up to the now frowning Han and took the container from his hand.

"Now what is in this container... DON'T TELL ME. It's another dog. I already got one sorry." I joked, narrowing my eyebrows to the container.

If it was possible, Han frowned even more. "No dumbass. It's brownies from Felix. How can a dog even fit there. And why did it take you that long to respond to me. Let me guess, you fell in love with my pretty face. I know right? Just glowing in the sun. Beautiful scenery."

That's actually true though.

To hide the fact that my face is starting to heat up, I changed the subject and talked about the customer that's coming here soon. He gladly accepted to take care of it as I go and enjoy Felix's brownies.

I watched as Han bathed and groomed the customer's dog. He has been here for literally a month, but already he looks like a professional. No wonder he's nicknamed the ace. Hyunjin told me many stuff about Han before I met him, and he's definitely not lying about him being all rounder.

"Y/N! I'm done! Can you come check?"

I quickly stuffed the half eaten brownie into my mouth and washed my hands before I went to check on Han. After quickly trimming some uneven ends, I gave the dog the signature bowtie before placing him on the floor. The dog ran towards the waiting customer and leaped into his arms. The customer laughed while picking up the dog and then looked at Han.

"Well young man, that was some great skills over there. Say, do you have a girlfriend? I bet you any girl would fall for you. You could definitely impress them with those skills of yours."

He impressed me already.

"Oh... I already have someone that I like. But thank you for the compliment." Han replied with a small smile. He led the customer out as I was left wondering who he was talking about. Ah... He already has someone he likes. Probably someone in JYPE. How is even possible for it to be me? Oh what am I thinking, of course it isn't me. Now move on Y/N, don't let this affect you.

I must have been really deep in thought because I didn't noticed Han walking past me to the couch on the side. He grabbed a brownie and began munching on it.

"Come on and finish these brownies with me, I need to leave soon."

I sighed and went to sit on the opposite side of the couch. Han ate with those squishy cheeks of his, similar to those of a squirrel, but the description of the animal quokka actually matches him better because of his stunning smile and big eyes. Those eyes closed as he quietly savoured the brownie. He noticed me staring and started to blink his round orbs at me while swallowing the bit of brownie down through his throat. I look away and grabbed a brownie from the container. I felt his gaze on me as I continued to snag a few more of those yummy brownies and finally turned to him.

"I never knew you liked someone, you should have told me. I would have definitely help to set you guys up and give some advice, not like I have much anyways..." I awkwardly laugh as I finished the brownies. He didn't say anything or moved an inch. I didn't have the nerve to look straight at him so I glanced around the salon. I definitely need to clean up the fur mess on the floor... Why does the wall look so amazing today?

"You want to know who I like?"

My head turned faster than I could have imagined. I peered at Han, trying to read the emotions he had on his face. I couldn't tell. Who's the lucky person that captured his heart?



Before my brain got to even process what he said, I felt his lips pressing on mine. I didn't know what to do. The kiss lasted for a mere few seconds before he pulled away embarrassed.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Y/N I shouldn't have-"

I don't know what was with me, but my body moved faster than my mind. I didn't need to hear what he had to say, all I know is that this beautiful boy kissed me. I didn't realize how long I have been yearning for this moment, but this has finally became reality rather than just an imagination. Nothing, just nothing, could beat the satisfaction when he kissed back. His arms wrapped around my waist to pull me closer. I reached for his neck and gently pulled him closer to receive the full contentment. The world disappeared and all I could feel is the soft touch of his lips on mine as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Even though my eyes were closed, I could feel his smile on mine. I bet I was smiling too.

I was first to break the kiss, even though I didn't want to. His arms were left where they were while mine was resting on his shoulders. I felt lost in his eyes as if the universe was held inside of them. I couldn't take my eyes off him, and neither could he.

"Those brownies tasted so much better when they came from your mouth."

a/n: hoped you enjoyed this :D I had so much fun writing this, and I hope I can satisfy the wattpad readers here ;)

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