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Nov, 24. Friday 10am.
Pov: Elizabeth Grant.

"This is serious and they will not play with someone else's life and put a child at risk. They came so close. They walked a thin line and went into territory nobody should ever have when they brought in Ali." I pace back and forth. My face is practically burning with an angry passion for Abel and his daughter. Ali is a little girl who deserves protection just as much as Abel.

"That's his baby, she's scared, because you guys are delinquents. I assume you must be trying to build a new empire, get me married so I can leave and you mate with this wicked woman and just to do it all over again? You guys are completely sick. Look at what you did to him." Turning towards Abel I pull up his shirt showing every single last scar. My eyes get a little moist just staring at them for the first time. I knew I could potentially ruin what Abel and I have by just going for it like this, but I probably already look bad enough being related to monsters. "He has to live with this!"

Midge shied away into the nook of my fathers neck. Her fingers squeezed at his hand. Whatever act she was trying to put on I wasn't buying it. "So who shall really be responsible?"

"Liz." Abel held onto my wrist. "Breathe," he said softly.

"That lady in there who looked like she'd already been half dead for a while now was identified as my mother!" I shouted. Was this rotten hag trying to take my mother's place?

"It was my doing. People were after me, they killed my wife and we're going to kill your mother, so I thought that maybe if I got everybody in, it could make the subject a little lighter, so they took her down and forced her sons to work over her," my grandpa Dale confessed.

Despite my disappointment I'll have to fix my family issues and try to understand this lore another day. "Bring those people here then. I'd just like a conversation. Nothing more nothing less."
Nov, 24. Friday, 12:32am.
Pov: Abel Tesfaye.

My life is crumbling to pieces all over again. Ali knows, Carmen knows, everybody knows. She won't say anything. Ali hasn't even eaten and it's my fault. She'll never get over this, damn I can't do anything right.

Soft sobs pulled all my attention towards the back. The least I can do is comfort her, so I pulled over and climbed in back. Carmen followed. Back against the uncomfortable door, head on the cool window, Ali lies across my chest while Carmen is lying next to her. This is how it should've been. Just us three, my two girls. My second chance at redemption slipped away. I failed them both.

After they both fell asleep I slipped Ali back into her seat and just decided to drive to my house. I was going to take Carmen home, but I want her here. With me and Ali. Even though I couldn't keep my dark truth from her, I'm still going to attempt to keep her safe. Leaning on the frame I watched for a while as they somehow inched into each other's arms in the midst of their slumber.

I haven't showered since yesterday, because I've been so worried about her. If she made the slightest bit of noise I wanted to be there to comfort her as best as possible. She probably doesn't have much to say anyway, she just wants to sleep. Better slip in the shower while I know she's at least with somebody who can help her.

Wrapped in my towel I stare into the mirror. How can I claim the title of a father when the role slipped further and further from my grasp?A tight hold on the blade. Usually I'd switch out my razor, but I haven't even made use of it. Closer and closer the corner came with my skin until full contact. I just needed to feel something. The two small slits I made begin leaking blood.

It all took me back to when Ali knew nothing, I smiled through the pain, and I knew exactly why I was doing all of it. But it was all for nothing. Banging my fist against the counter I threw the blade across the bathroom. Ripping my towel off I threw my clothes on, wrapped my wrist, and left to fix myself a bowl of cereal.

Sitting at the island taking pity bites in the still silence, the only thing keeping me company was my unhelpful thoughts. My body ran cold, like the milk the little rings of beige swam in. Ali would kill for some Cherrios right now. Leaving behind my half eaten bowl I decided to turn off all the lights, shut blinds, lock the door and turn it in. I didn't want to disturb them, so I just stayed on my side, to myself.

"Abel." Carmen's voice made me jump. She sounded nothing like Ali, but just the fact that it could've been gave me a thread of hope that was yanked away. Just some more salt in the wound. "Come," her words rolled out of her mouth as she was still half asleep. Turning over I scoot closer to cuddle both of them. She had a small smile on her face as her eyes were slipping back again.

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