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Nov, 8. Thursday 8:10am.
Pov: Abel Tesfaye.

I worked in the studio a bit and spent most of my evening texting Elizabeth. I was hesitant about giving her my number at first, because I don't want to drag her into my horrible life, but it feels good to have someone to talk to besides, Carmen and the people I work with.

Once again Ali was left by herself, so here I am trying to figure out what to do with her hair. Trembling, I grab the brush and begin styling her hair in a low ponytail.

"Daddy are you scared?" Her eyes find mine in the reflection of the mirror. "You shaking a lot."

"I'm okay babygirl. When you woke up did you see your mom?" Carmen is always back before dark, so I drop her off. I just don't like the fact that she can't at least stay with her until I get her.

"Yea, but people banged on the door very loud and it scared me awake. She told me to not leave my room."

Carmen has to have gotten into something she isn't supposed to. There's no way she's genuinely acting this way. "Okay well I'll figure it out. You just don't worry about anything."

"You guys are acting really not normal. Are you sure mommy is okay?"

I tie her hair back and swallow my guilt down. "I'm sure everything is fine. Go get your back pack. And come on." Ali was very smart I'll never try to intentionally act like she isn't, but I don't think now is the time to tell her the truth. Next week when everything is over I'll tell her.

"Don't be a meanie and lie." She hopped down from the stool.

Carmen and I never argued in front of each other, so I'm not sure where she got that word from. "I'm not mean to you Ali. Stop using that word."

"Okay." She came back around the corner dragging her bag with her jacket in hand. "Daddy guess what I want to be." I pick up her bag and head over to the door.

"What do you want to be?" I grab my keys and open the door for her closing it behind me.

"A bear." She jumped down the steps and skipped along to the car. "Grrr."

"Ali I don't think bears make that noise," I chuckle. "Why do you want to be a bear?" I ask as we get into the car.

"Because you a bear! And I want to be just like you," she smiles. "You my favorite bear."

I can't help but to smile along with her. "Okay." I reach back to place her bag down and begin driving. I decided to drive because I wanted to get out of the house, life kinda isn't promised for me. I'm still feeling withdrawals from all the coke I was forced to take last night. I feel super shitty though.

Pulling up to the doors I watch in the rear view as she unbuckled herself and grabbed her backpack. "Bye bye daddy bear." She opened the door sliding out of the seat.

"Bye.. Ali bear." I waved back before she closed the door.
Nov 8. Thursday 8:30am.
Pov: Elizabeth Grant.

Brushing my hair I'm cautious to make sure all of the knots are out. I'm a rough sleeper and forgot my scarf. I hate running late. From the corner of the mirror I see Midge. She's back from dropping off her son.

"How's everything?"

I glance at her and quickly turned back to style my vague curls. "I can assure you just fine."

She tried to converse of the prince, but I didn't wish to speak with her. Especially while I'm running late. Not only has she become a disturbance, she's an additional inconvenience.

"Guess what?" She squeals. I raise my eyebrows bringing a facade of enthusiasm. "I'm going to help out at the church! Won't that be jolly? I really hope to bond with ya," her southern accent came out the more her excitement did.

"Wonderful. I'm late, so excuse me." We brush shoulders as I hurry down for my coat and keys. I don't favor my actions and jealous feelings I try so hard to suppress, but I can't help it. Trying to keep my tears at bay is how I spent my car ride to work. I don't want her metaling with my life.

A couple deep breaths before I enter the shop. I spot Abel on his device nearest to the counter. He shot me a wave and smile before I went to clock in. This coffee shop was relatively quiet and empty, so I only had to assist two to three customers.

Abel approached the counter with an awkward grin on his lips. "How you doing this morning? You look sad."

"Family issues I'll be just fine. No baby girl this morning?" Staring into his dark eyes I find myself unconsciously grinning right along with him.

"Nah," he shook his head, "she's at preschool."

"Isn't that sweet. Can assist you to some coffee or anything?" I question. Wiping the stupid look from my face.

"I'm good." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I really just came to see you.. I wanted to ask you something."

"I'm all ears."

"Would you like to hang out or something tomorrow?" He looked away swaying back and fourth.

"I don't see why not." Turns out I caught a case of the giggles. After all he was a fairly attractive guy. It did feel a tiny bit wrong given I was supposed to be hanging out with the prince.

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