📑 9. A baby named: John

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I am asking you to read this note because I want to warn you. So PLEASE, PLEASE READ THIS Author's note:

This chapter has a section that will describe how to feed a baby vampire. If you are afraid of snakes 🐍 Please don't read it. I did it for multiple reasons.

1) I don't care if a snake dies

2) I am very scared of them

3) I am trying to overcome my fear 🤦😀🤞

So, Precisely because I don't like them, don't care about them, I added them to this chapter just so they can get killed. 😀

The section where the snakes are mention will have this ⚠️ symbol right before the scene.

Now, (1) ⚠️ warning sign means it starts, and once you see (2) ⚠️⚠️ then it means the section is over. 😀

Aside from that, I hope you like the chapter 🥰

End of Author's note😀


"Honey, please talk to me," Mevkibe was worried.

"Please Sanem. Please."

"Ooh momma!" She cried.

"What's wrong sweety. What's wrong?" Mevkibe was worried. "You've been crying for almost 2 months now. And I don't know what to do. Your father and I are worried. Please, please talk to me."

"Momma-I" Sanem paused. "I have to tell you something. And I know you're not going to like it."

"Sweety, no matter what, there is always a solution. Always, remember that. What do I always say, there's a solution for everything except death." She caresses her daughter's cheek worried.

Sanem looks at her mom, scared. She knows her mom is right, but, this is not simple, this is not something easy. "Sanem. Please. Your father and I are worried. Please. We don't know what is going on. And we are worried. We've seen you eat more, you barely have gone out in 2 months. You're here all day and night unless you have to hunt. I don't know what is wrong with you. You used to be such a happy child. And now. You've been sad. We barely even see you. Please daughter. Whatever is bugging you. Please. Just trust us. Tell us what's wrong. We will figure it out."

Sanem just stares at her mom, knowing that she doesn't have a choice. She could run away, but what life will she have? She has no idea where Can is. They said bye 2 months ago, and that was it of him.  And every vampire in the world knows who she is. It will not be easy for her to hide.

"Just please promise me one thing. We will figure it out together; just don't get mad at me. This was an honest mistake and-" Sanem paused, knowing that not only did he wear a condom, but she drank the mixture of half a cup of apple cider mix with a half teaspoon of garlic powder every Tuesday at the same time.

This mixture was the way vampires could prevent pregnancies. There were other methods, too. But this was the most affected one, it was equivalent to the pill for us humans. And the female vampire had to take it on the same day and sane time once a week.

"Truly, anbem (mom) I think things happens for a reason" She said trying to prepare her mom for the news she had to tell.

"Sanem, please stop talking in code, and just tell me." Mevkibe was getting anxious. She has seen her daughter cry, and be depressed for 2 months and now that she is so close to find out what's going on.

"Im- I'm pregnant."

Mevkibe looked at her blinking twice. "I'm sorry, what? You're what?"

"I'm pregnant." She said more confident by dying on the inside. She doesn't know how her mom is going to react, and worst of all she knows her mom is going to ask her a question that she doesn't know how to answer. Who's the father?

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