📑 3. Hello

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“Well, How are your parents?”

“Good. Everyone is happy to see me.” Can said.

“That’s good.” Ozan smiled. “Hey, are you sure you don’t want to know what I heard? It is very interesting.”

“For the thousand time, that I’ve told you, no.” 

“Ok.” Ozan raised his hand in peace. “I’m just saying. That I think you rather find out now then later.”

Can, looked at him, confused.

“Damn you are not going to stop. Are you.”

Ozan smiled. “Dude, you have no idea what this is. It’s big.”

“That big?”

“Oh yeah.”


“So, apparently, Sanem and Leila have a brother.”

“What?” Can was shocked at the news.

“Yeah. Sometime after we left, Mevkibe gave birth to a boy.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah.” He laughed. “Weird, ha.”

“Yeah, a little. But, well. I’m happy for Sanem, she always wanted a baby brother.” He was genuinely pleased.

“What’s the boy’s name?”

“That I don’t know. But I do know that Mevkibe was gone for a while. The baby wasn’t born here.”

“Now, that is weird. Mevkibe left?That’s a new one. Didn’t she say that she would have to be dead for her to leave this city?”

“Yeah, that’s what I heard she said once, too. But, who knows? That woman is weird.” Ozan shrugged, and Can did too in return. “But apparently, she didn’t leave alone; all the girls left with her.”

“And this was after you and I left?”


“Damn! Do you think they know what happened between Sanem and I?” Can slow heart accelerated just at the thought.”

“I drought it. Or else you would have been hunted down, and she would be dead. So, I doubt it.”

“Yeah, you're right.” He was able to breathe again.
after you and I left.”

“Well.” Can brought his eyebrows together. “And Nihat?”

“No. He stayed.”

“Well, even though everything is weird. I’m glad Nihat got the boy he always wanted, and Sanem and Leila got the little brother.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought when I found out.”

Then Ozan’s and Can’s phones beep. They take their phones out and read, “The annual meeting and the 4 regions meeting will be combined and will be held as scheduled tomorrow night at sunset, and the main arena.”

” It’s a 4 regions meeting!”Can starts to sweat. “Damn,” Can said. “I didn’t want her there.” He sighs and places his hands on the balcony rail in defeat. Can looks at Ozan with pleading eyes, and Ozan just shuts his eyes softly, letting Can know he knows that pain.

“I thought I was going to have some luck, at least in that department, but I am wrong.”

“Yeah, I also had that hope.” Ozan also places his hands on the balcony rail in defeat, feeling his slow heartache at the thought of losing Deniz for good.

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