It's just the beginning.

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It was a normal afternoon, the group of friends was having their normal lessons but it was quickly interrupted by something.

"So now, by using the distributive law-" as Professor Esther was teaching, someone interrupted her.

"Afternoon Professor Esther, I would like to find a group of friends named Cristen, Chloe, Shalviya, Mae, Aeden, Given, Jordan and Jayden. Please come with me to the Lumars Cabin to meet Grace Adora." said Mr. Joe, Grace's assistant.

The group of friends turned back and noticed their names getting called.

"You all better not be in trouble, now you may be excused from this lesson." said Professor Esther.

The group of friends were so pleased when they were excused from this lesson, they thought it was really boring. They walked to the door happily while chatting about what they wanted to name their pets.

"I'm definitely calling my dragon Tyrone." said Given while walking out of the classroom.

"I'll probably call my buddy Scorch." said Aeden.

"Oh shoot! Where are my wolf dogs? I thought I brought them to class today?!" said  Jayden as he panicked to find his wolf dogs.

"They're behind you, you dummy!" said Given while pointing at Jayden's wolf dogs.

After all of them walked out of the classroom, they followed Mr. Joe to the outside of the school to get a ride on pumpkin carriage to the Lumars Cabin. On the way to the cabin, Johnson and Julian, Jayden's wolf dogs were sitting on his lap.

"They're actually so heavy and big, both of them are blocking my view.." said Jayden while dying from the heavy weight that was pressed onto his lap.

"Who told you to bring them up..?" asked Jordan.

"If I put them outside, they will be lost, common sense girl." said Jayden while rolling his eyes.


After 2 minutes, they arrived at the Lumars Cabin. They got down from the pumpkin carriage and went in. They walked in to their cabin with Mr. Joe while some of the creatures were whining for their masters. Each and one of them opened their fence gates and let the creatures come out. The creatures came out and walked towards their masters.

Then Mr. Joe said to them, "Please wait here as Grace Adora and the Ambassador of Elmswood will be arriving soon.

Soon Grace Adora and the Ambassador of Elmswood arrived.

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