The Lady Fountain.

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A long time ago, there was a group of friends who grew up together

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A long time ago, there was a group of friends who grew up together. They were all from the same high school, Destiny High. This school wasn't any ordinary school, it was a school filled with magic, fantasy, mystery and many more.

The bell rang, it was Professor Odessa's class. The group of friends came back from their locker, heading to the history classroom.

"I hate history.." said Chloe, literally known for the biggest history hater. She's always sarcastic but has a creative mind.

"Come on it's Professor Odessa class, you can't be serious." said Cristen. She's probably the mother of the group but carries a great heart everywhere.

After a few minutes of chitchatting and walking together, they finally arrived at the history classroom. Given opened the door and everyone went in. They all sat down and started taking out their books and stationary for preparation. A few minutes later, Professor Odessa arrived.

"Good afternoon class, how's everyone doing?" She said while walking down the carpet.

"Horrible." said Jordan. About Jordan, he's the funny friend of the group, but today..looks like someone is in a bad mood..

"Oh well Jordan, you might feel better when I tell you about the story of the Fountain Lady." She smiled while sitting down on her chair, placing her hands on her desk.

Suddenly, Aeden raised his hand.
"Professor, why do we call the lady The Fountain Lady
And not Lady Fountain, I thought that was the original name for the statue?" asked Aeden. Aeden, literally the Brain and the Therapist of the friend group.

"Ahh, because of the principal, things have changed but you can still call the statue, Lady Fountain since it was her real name." said Professor Odessa.

"Alright class, turn to your textbook, page 567." said Professor Odessa.

The Story of Lady Fountain.

There was a myth about the Lady Fountain, many said she was the guardian of the Fountain. Now let's talk about the Story of the Lady Fountain.

In Ancient times, the Lady Fountain was always known for standing on top of a tall fountain that was located in the Garden of Grace, also in Destiny High. She always had yellow flowers all over her and a golden arrow. But one day, she felt something oddly..weird. It was like something calling her from behind. Everyday the voices in her head gets stronger and stronger, she thought she was going crazy. She couldn't hold it anymore so, she followed the voices that was in her head, leading her into a cave. It was the Cave of Elements. She stood there, wandering around.

"Hello? Is anybody here..?" She said while looking around.

She was standing in the middle of a cave. Around her was 8 powerful elements and the source of Destiny High. Nature, Fire, Water, Light, Dark, Ice, Love and Animal. The elements was floating around here as she turned around. Suddenly, a portal opened. The Mother of Elements walked out of the portal while holding a wand, the Wand of Elements. The Mother of Elements was a lot scarier compared to what the textbooks described her. Her eyes was glowing, she had a halo floating on her head and she looked like a god.

"Lady, I have called you forever, the elements are dying. As the elements are dying, I am dying too. I'm getting older and older everyday, and the only way that the elements can and will survive is through a new god. I, the Mother of Elements, pass this onto you. You have no choice but to take the wand and guide the Kingdom of Destiny and Destiny High." said The Mother of Elements.

Lady Fountain was in shocked, she couldn't even speak. Suddenly, she was floating, her eyes was glowing, the wand was on top of her as the Mother of Elements casted a forever spell on her. The Mother of Elements, placed her on top of the fountain in Garden of Grace and made her into a statue.

"Forever and ever, The Lady Fountain will protect the Kingdom of Destiny and Destiny High." was carved on the statue.

"Well isn't this story interesting?" said Professor Odessa.

After reading and hearing this story, Given came up a hangout idea.

"Hey guys, after dinner we should actually go observe the Garden of Grace and maybe the Caves of Elements.." given whispered to them.

"You know that if we go to the Caves of Elements we will actually get suspended right? We have to follow the rules no matter what bro.." said Aeden.

"Come on Aeden, don't be a loser let's just go.." said Jordan.

Everyone agreed on going to the Caves of Elements but Cristen wasn't getting convinced.

"We shouldn't be doing this guys, we can get cursed by the Ghosts of Grace.." said Cristen.

"Cristen, we only live once." said Mae.

After a lot of convincing, finally Cristen agrees with the idea. It was around 7pm, the group of friends was sitting together at the canteen, eating their dinner. The school wasn't like what you imagined, American Highschool.. No, the school is filled with magic, it's like a castle. There's many facilities like, gym, pool, gardens, dorms, canteens, gift shop and many more.

"This pasta is really good!" said Shalviya. Shalviya, the most crafty one. Give her a piece of paper and she'll make a handmade rose in seconds.

"Yea I agree, it is really good." said Jayden. Jayden, you'll caught him mostly playing games on his phone but trust me, he's one of a kind.

After dinner, they all went back to their dorms, settling down to get ready for their first adventure to the Caves of Elements.

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