chapter 30

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Hi readers , i love you guys .keep commenting and voting .this chapter contains mention of abuse, torture and blood.if you are victim of above three. Please take care.make sure you get a professional help and stay strong

Babe was running towards the monitor area. He wanted to propose charlie.jeff is searching for charlie everywhere .when babe went inside the room .he is shocked that no one is present . He is waiting for everyone to come. North came and he uttered those words that made Babe's world crumble . Babe had no idea what happened .Alan ,jeff and sonic also arrived . Babe is calling charlie number.everyone assembled in the monitor room .the happiness of victory has completely vanished from x-hunter team .
ravel never miss a live streaming of race but today he was so deep in past that he forgot the present .pete and way are present in ravel's house .
Conversation mode:
Ravel : i am sorry son . I should have that bastard arrested back then but i have no courage .i am scared that my son will be in risk .
Pete : i am not blaming you uncle .i need help to get him arrested .
( Way is looking at pete and he can sense mix of emotions in his face. Suddenly way gets a call .Babe tells way that charlie is missing .they are tracking his address and pete is urgently needed . )
Way : pete we have a problem .charlie is missing
Ravel: i know that bastard . He is only doing this .he will not spare his son also .
Way : yes uncle
Pete : let us go way and uncle we will think about this later
Ravel : i am also coming .i will help you guys .
( Babe already called kim . Kim said he doesn't know about charlie .Babe is Tracing Charlie's phone . He is checking cctv footage racing track .they found a black van . They have approached police.police don't want to file a report because he is not a  minor and 24 hours is not completed . They need pete because he is is also helping to find charlie .Kim and his team in college but these guys can never guess the place charlie is taken)
( Charlie went to bathroom to wash his face . He is excited and he is wearing black color t-shirt and jean . He removed his glasses.he cleared tears of happiness .he can marry babe and live together.Although charlie is saving money to propose babe . He didn't buy a ring.he is planning to give on Babe's birthday. Suddenly someone grabbed him by waist he thought it is babe.when he turned back it is someone . He tried to Remove that hand but not possible. Another man entered with kerchief and charlie lost consciousness.when he woke up he is in a room and room doesn't have light.he is not scared .someone entered the room )
Charlie : i saw you in that party .you are winner right?
Winner : oh my little genious bitch
Charlie : why am i here
Winner : i want to enjoy you darling
( Charlie legs are tied to bedpost . He started to move but it is not possible.winner started moving towards charlie.charlie took bottle beside him and broke it. Charlie said " if you are going to touch me.i will kill myself "
Winner backed . Winner called his man and torture him until he gives in. Charlie legs are tied to bed . He moved from bed .he fell down .when 2 men are apporaching. He managed to move around. They went away . )
Charlie is speaking to himself
Charlie : i thought everything was over and i will be a happy person on the earth.why god you have to be so harsh on me.
( Charlie is crying on the floor .now 3 men came inside. Charlie again started moving on seeing them . This time he failed .they removed his clothes .he is only in his short which he wore inside . They tied him to a chair and they started pouring water on him .it is cold water .anyone would scream and cry.charlie stayed very strong to not give up. While they are doing this third man is shooting everything. They got angry .they took a wooden box and broke it on charlie's head. He is bleeding . He didn't cry. They are getting angry and they brought hot soup and opened charlie's mouth and poured it in his mouth. Another man is continuously  slapping and kicking charlie .Charlie still stayed strong. One of them said he will die if we continue . They left. This entire video was made for babe. They went and charlie started crying . Charlie slept on chair .he got a dream of Babe .he rescued him . He got glances of his mom .winner orderd these 2 that he should not die .he is very important. )
AT Alan house :
( Everyone assembled Babe is getting frustrated due to policemen .they are not here. He want way and pete. But they are still not here.Babe got a video message from charlie's phone .he got video of charlie being harrased. Babe eyes are turning red and tears are flowing .everyone saw that kidnappers said they will release charlie if babe comes alone . Babe understood he is cause of charlie's made him feel useless. He is ready to start.)
Alan: babe stop
Babe : Alan why should i stop .i will get him. Out
Alan : babe ,they won't leave him .are you out of your mind.until way comes .you are going nowhere
Babe : they are harrasing charlie.i cannot forgive myself alan .
Alan : we are not allowing you
( Everyone agreed with Alan . Suddenly Alan got a call from tony that he is coming back tomorrow.Alan told him about charlie's kidnap but didn't tell about this video.babe is still not agreeing with them .they are holding him for an hour. Way,pete and ravel are here. Ravel saw babe's condition . He just hugged him .Ravel is finally able to control him.way called porsche and sent him the video message.)

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