chapter 27

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Hi guys, thank you for votes and comments. Last chapter comments were really hilarious. Thank you guys. Today i feel i should appreciate Pitbabe team writers because they broke so many stereotypes. Even they changed some parts of the novel. Part where babe gets molested . It is very different in novel .they didn't made him damsel in distress.message is loud and clear. You should fight against your abusers .
Author's p.o.v:
It is already half of the month . Babe and charlie are working very hard . Babe's race is in 2 days. Tony will be visiting them in 15 days . babe drops charlie every time he needed to go somewhere. Babe is working hard  for race. They stopped bringing food from outside.charlie became full time cook for babe. Babe helps him in household chores.Babe cannot cook. If charlie is busy that day he have to prepare a meal the previous day. Pete is paying salary to charlie also.he gave him a bonus . Pete wants to pamper his small brother.Charlie brought shoes for Babe and very special non sticky gloves for Jeff.

charlie and babe are getting ready for work .Babe is getting confident that he is loved by someone other than his father .charlie met ravel on video call. he really loves charlie .he asked charlie call him papa .he can see what he did to babe . ravel is not able to change  babe all these years. this small kid changed his son. babe frequently calls ravel these days .

( small flash back guys )

North is going on a date . he is about to drop sonic in alan's house .sonic asked North to stop .
Conversation mode on :
North : why did you ask me to stop?
Sonic : who is the person
North :that person has a name .she is Ink.
She is  very  cute.( Showing image of that girl)
Sonic : so you like girls .
North : i like the person not gender. I am pansexual
Sonic : what is so special about this girl.
North : she is very understanding .we have been talking since this season's first race.
( There are tears in sonic's eyes. North saw those tears. If you ask North's feeling . He knew they are more than friends. He don't want to say it . He went on many dates .sometimes we want the other person but not able to express it or understand it. It is very confused feeling.)
Sonic of luck. Don't ruin it like other dates
( North dropped sonic .sonic went to his room straight .he is crying . North is driving to his date. North can only see sonic's face.North called ink and cancelled the date. He went straight into sonic's room .he saw sonic crying .he was unable to stop his tears .sonic turned back)
Sonic : why are you crying
North : i saw you crying ( they are both are looking at each other .)
Sonic : I don't want us to be friends.
North: what do you mean
Sonic : why are you so dumb?
North : hey......
Sonic : i love you idiot
North : i cannot tell it is love for me.but i have feelings for you
Sonic : what about your date
North : i cancelled it.
Sonic : so .....
North : let us go on a date .
( Sonic stopped crying.he adjusted his clothes . He checked his makeup .he cannot look bad on his first date .they went out)

(Meanwhile in the garage of X- hunter
Alan backhugged jeff. Jeff is getting shy .alan is kissing on neck of jeff. He made him lay on car . Jeff stopped him )
Jeff : are you sure ?
Alan : hey i am sorry .
Jeff : i am not sorry
Alan : so ......
Jeff : i thought you are top
Alan : i am ( he is blushing hard ) .
Jeff : let us go into locker room then
Alan : okay
("" Guys , i didn't want their relationship to be confused . I want them to be happy couple and less struggles""".Alan pushed jeff on the floor.Alan is exploring his body. He is praising jeff how beautiful he looks .he is touching every part of jeff. Jeff is getting horny.)
Alan : we don't have condoms .
Jeff : search in Babe's locker .
Alan : yes you are correct
( Alan got a condom . Alan don't know that it is jeff's first time .Alan licked each and every part of jeff. He directly entered jeff )
Jeff : ahhhhhh.......( He is really crying and it is painful for him )
Alan : is it your first time ?
Jeff : yes
Alan : sorry baby . It will get better . If you want me i will stop .
Jeff : no continue
( Alan started screwing jeff .  He started being smooth .it is still painful for jeff. Jeff got orgasm within first 5 mins .Alan is not stopping .he is fucking him.he stopped after 10 mins .)
Jeff : you look so innocent .but you are like an animal in bed .
Alan : jeff ,is it still painful ?.why didn't you tell me it is your first time.
Jeff : is it a Problem
Alan : no ,infact i am very happy. I am your first .
( Jeff smiled and hugged Alan)
Back to present
(Pete is trying his best to get his evidence .pete and porsche, kinn using all their ways . They are searching bio data of every employee. They are also searching for ex employees.but suddenly kinn found tony's ex partner in bussiness  Ravel . He is not in records After few years . He is babe's father . Even pete don't know about that data .Way is not in the discussion)
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