Chapter 29 - "Requiem"

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-- Lava

I held Prismet down as I awaited her answer.

"Ilsia is my family! Ilsia cares about me!" She cries.

Raine said she has at least one person that actually cares about her.

There's nothing I can do if she won't even disillusion herself for that person.

"Oh yeah? Then who raised you? Who fed you? I bet it wasn't Ilsia! So who was it?!" I pressured.

"He was just doing what Ilsia said! Ilsia was too busy to take care of me!" She kept trying to believe.

"Whatever. I don't have time to convince you to take your freedom. The only thing I can offer you is advice; Go appreciate the only true family you have, unless you want to regret it later."

With that, I hop off her charred scales and get Raine and Ria to ride on my back.

I almost forgot the Orichalcum again...

If Raine didn't pick it up I would've left it here.

As I got closer and closer to home, I was certain I had to enjoy what little peaceful time I had left.

This time I couldn't just lay down and enjoy a bunch of family playing on top of me.

I knew I was only going to be any good with magic, but I felt so helpless that I couldn't think of anything to do but trying to sharpen my claws.

They were not as sharp as they should be. I let them get so dull because I have so many tiny bumbling idiots around me that would get cut if I didn't.

Ria was already telling everyone stories about how I was their new dragon god or whatever.

They better not start getting crazy with that or I'm gonna whack them!

I was just sitting there doing my thing when Gramps was told everything by Raine and stormed over to savor me like I was leaving forever.

There's no choice for me to ignore the invasion, and he doesn't have the means to trap me here like a crazy overprotective parent.

"I don't want to lose my little dragon..." He complains.

"You're not going to lose me." I huffed, "I'm not a baby anymore. Instead of coming over here to cry over me, why don't you go make sure I have something sweet to enjoy when I win."

I'm going to be fighting a literal god, I deserve some candy for that!

"I'll make sure you have the best sweets in the whole world!" He promises.

Alas, my time to relax was already interrupted, as Raine interjected.

"There are demonic beasts showing up around cities! It's already happening!"


I guess I have to go. It wouldn't be nice to let anyone die when I'm going to have to go anyway.

"I'll go help..." I sighed and left for Yeste again.

I left Ria and Raine in the village since they weren't going to be much help anyway.

As I got in view of the city, even more monsters were approaching the walls.

Mages on the walls launched spells at the attackers, but most of the beasts and dodged it, while the metallic golems tanked most of it.

This time, they had fighters outside the walls to slow them down. I can't just fly by them with fire breath this time.

They saw me hovering in the air and somehow don't seem to remember me saving them last time.

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