Chapter Sixty-One

Start from the beginning

"Why are you doing this!" Sébastien seethed. Smoke bloomed from out the side of his mouth. His eyes were blazin as he watched helplessly on the other side.

Her father sneered at him. "Because you love her!"

Colette looked up at Sebastian and she saw his head slump down between his shoulders. He shook the gates with tremendous force and the snow that crusted its bars fell to the ground. He bared his teeth and ratted the bars again. Colette looked at him with deep understanding him and her heart sank. He loved her?

Her father spat. "Because you mared Beatrice and that poor kitchen boy. Because you couldn't keep your cock in your pants and led dozens of innocent people to their deaths. You murdered your own family in cold blood. How can I sit by and let you live. Let you lust after my daughter. To- to have done whatever you did to have the feeling be returned."

Colette lost her breath at his final words. He knew? Somehow her father knew she had feelings for Sébastien. She looked at the broken beast again. His eyes were wide as he stared in her direction. His mouth trembled and tears ran down his face. She clutched her stomach and bowed in agony. No!

She wished it all away. She wished she didn't return the feelings. She wished she had never set foot in this castle. She wished she had never met him, but even as she tried to squeeze the feelings out she couldn't.

"I will kill her," her father gritted out.

Sébastien snarled. "You wouldn't dare harm your daughter. You love her!"

Her father pulled the trigger and a shot exploded beside her in the frosty earth. Snow and muddy earth splattered across her face and side. Colette screamed and her whole body froze up from the impact as fear seized her.

"No!" Sébastien roared and ran to open the gates. He came barreling towards them as soon as they swung open and Colette found her voice again.

"Sebastain! No!" She cried out, reaching towards him.

He halted right at the threshold. His breathing was all over the place as his eyes scanned her body, searching for any visible wounds.

There was none and her father angled the gun towards her again, having reloaded it during the time Sebastain opened the gates.

She looked at her father with pleading eyes. "I-I..." she couldn't keep the pain that shuddered through her body as she tore open her heart. "I love him father. I love him!" Hot, burning tears fell from her eyes as she confessed what she was too scared to recognize.

She loved Sébastien.

"Colette." Her name was a soft rumble from where Sébastien stood between life and death.

Her fathers face crumpled in pain as he swung his gun towards Sébastien and pulled the trigger.
She watched as Sebastain was flung back from the impact to his chest and she screamed taking off towards him.

"Colette!" Her father yelled, scrambling over the edge of the cart. He fell with a heavy thud to the ground, groaning in agony as he helplessly reached towards her.

She did not give him a second glance as she ran to kneel beside Sébastien. Blood pooled beneath his left shoulder and stained the snow a deep red.

"Sébastien. Sébastien, please." She ran her hands over his face and chest. Her fingers felt the warm blood spilling from the hole above his left pectoral.
His eyes were closed but she heard him groan and felt his chest rise slowly.

"Sébastien," she whimpered. She knew from the beginning that they were destined to never be together. She knew death stood between them and that's why she chose to walk away. She couldn't bear the thought of leaving him, but he was leaving her and it hurt even more than she imagined.

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