Chapter Thirty-Six

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Colette was lost for words. Sébastien knew he took things too far and he would not be able to take back the words he said. He waited patiently for her to respond, even though every muscle in his body ached to move. To lunge at her and bury his face beneath her skirts. To lap at the sweet spring that burst between her thighs. Had she known what her body was doing. Wanting. Was she familiar with the signs of her own sexual desire? She seemed innocent and surprised by it all. Maybe he was scaring her. She looked frightened, mortified by his forwardness.

"Please, say something. Anything." Before panic set in. Before rage followed after and he tore his study into pieces.

He watched as her chest fell and rose to the thunderous beating of her heart. The scent of her desire was heavy in the air and intermingled with his own. It reeked sexual tension between the both of them. He wanted so badly to take her in this very chair.

"I didn't know I made you feel that way," she whispered.

"I wanted you the day Beatrice tackled you to the ground." There was no room for being shy now. She saw how she affected him. There was no denying the thing that pulsed between his legs.

"I'm not asking you to accept this burden of mine. It is mine alone to deal with. I will not force myself upon you. I will not repeat the past."

Colette nodded slowly. She unfurled her hands that had been clenching the armrest of the chairs. "I see. Thank you." She stood and Sébastien leaned back on his knees.

She looked down at him and twisted her hands together in a nervous sort of manner. "I think I will retire to bed now."

Sébastien closed his eyes and bowed his head. "I'm sorry." He was foolish for wanting her. She did not desire him the way he desired her. Her body was acting instinctively, humanly, based on the natural inclination to reproduce. Nothing more. Just... a reaction.

"I have a burden of my own I'm unsure of how to address ." She admitted, shyly.

Sébastien whipped his head up and searched her eyes. Was she referring to... did she know... was she innocent? Sudden realization dawned on him and It was his turn to say, "I see."

"Shall I walk you to your room?" Such dangerous words.

She looked as if she would say yes and opened her mouth but was cut off by the sound of knocking at the studies doors. Sébastien bristled with annoyance and rose to his feet. He now stood practically chest to chest with Colette and she looked up at him with starry doe eyes. Her lips parted and her tongue slipped out to moisten them. There wasn't any hesitation and he took it as an invitation to lean down...


It was Colette who hurriedly put space between them, turning briskly to walk over to the desk and mindlessly fiddle with a stack of parchments.

Niel walked in with searching eyes as Sebastian turned to fix himself and acted as if to lean down and adjust the table. Which he needed to do if it wasn't any indication of what had happened in here.

The butler strode over to Colette and gestured towards the drawings she had done. She went to share with him what she had drawn, glancing briefly at Sébastien.

Damn the butler and his insipid timing. Sebastian managed to declutter the table before dragging it back to its original place. Three seconds. Three seconds and his tongue would have tasted the inside of Colette's mouth. She didn't seem to turn away at his approach either. Even if she wouldn't voice it out loud, she desired him. Her body made it very clear how much he affected her.

"That's enough Niel. Let the poor girl retire to her bed chamber."

Sébastien couldn't mask the annoyance in his voice and Niel gave him a questionable look.

Colette came towards Sébastien and he straightened as she stood before him. "Thank you for dinner. For allowing me to draw you." Her voice was soft, shy.

He cleared his throat. "Of course. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for letting me be your muse." Kiss me. Take my face between your hands and kiss me.

He searched her eyes once more but she looked at him with the same warriness she had the day he found her on the stairs.

"Niel will show you to your room. Rest easily." He knew she wouldn't. Not with how heavy the scent of her desire lingered under her skirts. He almost wished she would keep herself awake, exploring the newness of her sexual desire. The thought had him hardening again and he guided her towards the door.

Niel gave him another once over before taking Colette's arm. He smiled at her sweetly, opening the door and leaving Sébastien alone in his study.

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