Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Ever since that afternoon in the wood shop Gregorie found time throughout his day to sneak a quick kiss to Colette. They found their mouths all over each other in the garden behind a tall hedge, on the sofa in the parlor during lunch, up against the side of the house in the middle of the day and now in a small sitting room where Colette had been painting a bowl of fruit.

"Mmm," Colette moaned. Gregorie stood behind her where she sat in front of her easel. He kissed along the side of her neck, his strong hands massaging her shoulders.

She could smell wood and sweat on him. He had just come inside from finishing a small table for a client. He was dirty and needy. Colette knew they would go all the way tonight.

"Why fruit?" Gregorie asked between kisses.

Colette smiled and sat her brush down. "It's a still life study. It's mostly practice. I'm trying to, uhn..."

Gregorie slid a hand down to knead a breast beneath her stay. Colette felt herself moisten between her thighs. "Is this practice for later tonight?" She mused, bringing her hand up over his.

She felt him smile against her skin and slid his other hand down to cup her second breast. She felt her nipples bulge against his rough skin and moaned softly, tilting her head back.

"It wouldn't be practice if we went through with it right now." He murmured into her ear.

Fire licked up her skin and she briefly  glanced towards the slightly ajar door. The room they were in was at the back of the house, away from the traffic of his family members and the few servants that resided here.

"Hmm. Are you not wary of being discovered?"

Gregorie removed his hands and came around to stand in front of her. His eyes were heavy with desire. "I was wary earlier in the shop, but I found myself intimidated in the end by your confidence. I don't want to be scared to take risks with you. Whatever your desires are, wherever they might happen, I want to take care of them right then. I would regret it if I did not and you walked away unsatisfied."

Colette was astounded by his honesty. He was intimidated by her? Not many men would pronounce such a thing. He also felt like he did not do his part in satisfying her need when she had left. Colette of course didn't mind, her need was to please him then, but now...

"Close the door."

Gregorie did as she said. The room was small. It hosted a large writing desk behind her and built in bookshelves towards the front of her.  There was a large window to her right where she had her bowl of fruit on a small table across from it. They would need to get creative because there wasn't much floor space. A large rug laid out beneath her, swamping the majority of the floor along with chest and wooden crates filled with random items scattered on top of it.

She looked at Gregorie who made his way back to her. "Where should we, um... start?"

Suddenly she felt nervous. She didn't quite understand the intricacies of their two bodies joining. Obviously, she knew where what went but how and in what position, she was clueless to that. She hoped Gregorie had a small idea of where to begin.

She saw him assess the room and turn fully around to face the desk. His head cocked to the side before turning to look back at her with a raised eyebrow.

Colette bit her bottom lip in indecision towards the desk. She supposed it was the flattest surface in the room if they removed the few items resting on its smooth surface. "Alright." She nodded. They would make do.

Gregorie came to take her hand and lift her from her seat. He brought her to the edge of the desk and turned her to face him. His eyes searched her. "Are you certain you want to do it here, right now?"

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