Chapter Thirty-One

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"I shall see you this evening," he whispered to her. The sound was a soft rumble down her spine.

Colette closed her eyes at the memory. She found her way back into her bedchamber just as Beatrice was finishing setting up breakfast for her. The maid gave her a slight curtsy before taking off. If she knew what she had witnessed or rather heard her and Aarav doing the other night, she did not let on.

"Wait." Colette called after her before the maid could slip through the door. Beatrice remained at the door but turned to look at her.

"Lord Sébastien and I will be having dinner in his study this evening. Would you find me something appropriate to wear?"

Beatrice's eyes widened and she briefly looked over her shoulder before stepping around in front of the door and closing it behind her. Worry filled her eyes but also something else. Assessment. Understandment even perhaps.

Colette was surprised the maid didn't grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. Convince her to not go. To stay in her room, locked up and safe. Safe from him. From the threat that he was. Except... Colette didn't feel threatened by him. She wasn't sure what exactly she felt towards him.

"I just... Well, I've never attended dinner with a Lord before. I don't want to offend him or provoke him... and you have picked out my outfits since my arrival. I just assume you would know what's appropriate is all. Nothing more."

The maid eyed her warily but stalked up to the large, ornate wardrobe and pulled open the doors. She glanced at Colette, assessing her before plunging into the assortment of female attire.

Truth be told, Colette wanted to present herself nicely this evening. For whatever reason it mattered to her to look her best even though she would no doubtedly get charcoal all over her skirts and arms.

"Something perhaps you wouldn't mind me getting dirty in." Colette piped around the wardrobe door.
Beatrice leaned back with a questionable look on her face. Colette burned amber and nervously waved her hands at the suggestive eyebrow that rose after.

Beatrice only smiled to herself . The maid actually smiled. An emotion Colette had not seen on her since her arrival here.

Colette stood on the other side of the wardrobe, waiting patiently for a long while as Beatrice shuffled through the wardrobe's contents. The maid finally stepped back, holding out the outfit Colette would be wearing to dinner this evening.

It was Colette's turn to raise a questionable eyebrow at the maid, but Beatrice only nodded, approving her choice of wardrobe.

Beastly DesiresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora