Chapter Fifty-Five

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Colette found herself chewing on her nails from what awaited her once she returned to the castle. It had been almost two months since she said goodbye to the gray fortress and its black king. So much has happened since then. She learned to find happiness in other things besides serving her father. She became more aware of her own desires and what she wanted for herself. She wound up marrying Gregorie. A man she swore she never would who surprisingly turned out to be everything a woman could desire in a man. Kind, protective, caring, honest and madly in love with her.

And she found herself loving him back, which surprised her the most, but also scared her the most. She worried her love for him wasn't enough or weak compared to his.

She was afraid she might find herself doubting the authenticity of her feelings once she strolled through those black gates again. She knew she had to protect her heart. Shield her mind from those alluring orange eyes. Keep her distance from those seeking claws.

The only way she felt she would be able to uphold her feelings towards Gregorie was to fully consummate their relationship before she left tomorrow. She had been so close to giving into her desires and allowing Sébastien to take away that precious part of her. She didn't know then and even now if she would have let him, especially knowing the consequences. She would be sure she made love to Gregorie tonight.

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