Looking around at the nearby nurses and doctors and the occasional patient walking around in their own little world. He faced me, making me apply a fake smile which I have been perfecting for a while now.

"As great as that sounds," I lied through my teeth. Placing my palms against his chest affectionately pulling him closer by his white coat as he grinned down at me. "I have another surgery soon." I said with fake disappointment as he held my waist.

Fighting the urge to flinch or pull away as he kissed my lips. I no longer felt that bubbling feeling in the pit of my stomach or the flutter in my heart whenever we touched. I no longer felt anything for my husband except pure disgust and hatred.

"Alright. Rain check." He said in a deep voice hovering over me as I nodded before he walked away. Once he turned the corner I let go of a huge breath of relief as my vision blurred.

Panting heavily, placing my palm against my chest trying to calm myself down. Taking deep breaths as my back leaned against the wall. The more I acted like the doting, loving wife to Eric the more weak I felt. The more broken and exhausted I became at pretending everything was picture perfect around our friends and colleagues. I knew I couldn't handle much more.

"I was going to visit Sarah and the baby today. Did you want to join me?" I asked Eric hesitantly although I knew it was unlikely he would say anything but no. My back was turned to him as I made us breakfast.

Eric sat drinking his coffee, scrolling on his phone not paying me any attention. "Do you think that's wise? It'll just make you more emotional. I would hate to have another argument about having one of our own." Eric said nonchalantly as he sipped his coffee.

His demeanor sent a chill down my spine. How could be bring up our fights without an ounce of remorse?

"I've let that go. You were right all along. Besides, I would hate to lose my figure for those nine months." I lied through a smirk making Eric smile up at me flirtatiously. "Sarah said she gained almost 60 pounds." I said in fake disgust, making him chuckle.

"It showed." He replied, making me fight my frown. "Then sure." Eric began.

My head shot up from making scrambled eggs not expecting those words to come out of his mouth. My hands began to shake as my mind went a mile a minute.

"I'll allow you to go alone. Jeff, Bryce and I are going to the golf course today so I won't be able to attend." Eric continued making me close my eyes, turning my back to him again to finish breakfast. Letting out a shaky breath of relief feeling the heat of the stove.

Clutching the spatula and the kitchen counter until my knuckles turned white trying to pull myself together in front of him. "That's too bad." I said placing a plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes in front of him.

Eric finished eating and we said our polite goodbyes I watched him pull out of the driveway. Once his car was long gone I ran upstairs and began to pack everything I could into my luggage.

My heart raced, thumping in my ears as I tried to stop my hands from shaking at the thought of him coming home forgetting something and catching me in the act of leaving.

Grabbing everything I could, rushing out of our house throwing my bags in my trunk before driving out of town. Spending most of the time looking over my shoulder and in the rearview mirror unable to shake the fear of Eric off my mind.

I never stopped until I ran out of gas, spending days on the road leaving town. It wasn't until I passed the 'Leaving New York' sign when I slowly began to breathe steady.

Calling my mother while I was on the road telling her that I was leaving Eric and needed a place to stay for a while. While also hiding out from Eric knowing he never would think of me to come here. My mother and I haven't seen one another in years since we never really got along.

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