Chapter 1: Against A Rival

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Bonnie looked down at his bloodied hands, the blade he had used having blood dripping from it's tip. He panted slightly from the struggle he had just gotten into, looking back up at Freddy. "Let's hope that we don't have to face anymore of them," The bunny spoke through the dark mask covering his muzzle, referring to the men they just killed on their way into the building. One of their rivals' houses.
"Well if we're quick enough they won't realize we're here," Freddy hissed back through his own mask,  trying to keep the bunny quiet in order to prevent them from alerting anymore of the men that were guarding the house. "Now let's go, before they realize that these two are missing."
Bonnie nodded as he followed close behind Freddy, keeping completely quiet as to remain unnoticed. Their steps were slow, keeping their breathing low as they moved about the dimly lit residence. The bunny's ears perked up slightly as they neared their target's bedroom, the lights being faintly on inside of it. Their rival, of course, was likely inside.
"We only kill Him and then anyone who witnesses us here, we don't go after anyone else. We kill him then get out." Freddy spoke almost silently, his voice just barely a whisper. "Boss's orders." He continued, creeping up to the door. He saw that it was cracked slightly, which would make it easier to get in without being noticed through sound. He remained crouched by the door for a few moments, looking through the crack to monitor where the man was inside the room.
A man was in the room, standing in front of this wardrobe as he searched through it for something, seemingly in his boxer shorts as he looked. The man's eyes seemed slightly tired, as did the rest of him. The man was tall, maybe somewhere between six foot four and six foot six. He was broad, though he was a bit slim, definitely not the muscle man that most of their rivals tended to be.
Freddy pushed the door open silently, keeping his feet light as he approached the man. He had to make this quick; Prevent there from being any loud noise that'd alert the rest of the man's household. The entirety of the rival mafia might not of been here, but there were enough that if they got caught here by more than a couple guys they'd be in a world of trouble trying to fight their way out. Especially with just knives. Within seconds he had cupped the man's mouth, stabbing the man in the jugular and holding him until he went limp. He then slowly moved him to the floor, making their work silent and finished. "Now, let's go. Before we're caught in here." He whispered, moving Bonnie back towards the exit with quiet haste.
Bonnie followed closely behind, being very light as to not be loud. He could feel his adrenaline pumping through his blood, having been quite the rush to have just stabbed a man to death. He kept his eyes forwards, following Freddy's lead as they exited the house. "That was surprisingly easy," He spoke through his mask, "Let's hope the rest goes just as fast," He added on with a low grunt, his voice still not able to be heard very well outside of the mask's interior.
"That isn't their main house," Freddy murmured as they returned to the car at the end of the street. "But that was their boss. If we take out their boss and underboss, they'll crumble apart without the sense of order that they give them. With no one to lead, they'll scatter like ants without a queen." He opened the driver's side door, climbing inside the car and sitting down in the seat.
Bonnie nodded as he followed behind, getting into the passenger seat of the vehicle. "They won't have any sense of direction," He agreed with Freddy, "But there still will be some people who want to take the role of leader. It's inevitable," He continued, a hint of annoyance in his voice as he crossed one arm over the other, leaning his back against the seat and looking forward.
"Well, without the support of the rest, they'll never return to their former strength. The moment both bosses are dead, their families are no longer a threat to us because without their direction, they'll lack the cordination they have now." Freddy started the car, knowing that members would come and go frequently from this house, so a car starting would be of no suspision to their rivals that were still alive in the house they had just left.
"You have a point," Bonnie replied with a nod, looking forward as the car started. He waited for the vehicle to get moving, his eyes scanning the area outside as he waited. His breathing grew slightly heavier as he thought, his mind focusing on the plan for the time being. "So what's next, now?" He asked after a moment, "Are we going onto our next target or heading back to the hideout?"
"We're going onto our next target; Same rival, but now for their underboss. This time we'll need backup, however. Their underboss stays in the middle of their hideout. Since he's their Plan B, he's kept in the middle of the group like a baby elephant." Freddy said as he drove away from the house. "I'd say we need at least five of us to take this on. Gotta cover for each other, y'know? Keep eyes on each other's blindspots."
"Right, right," Bonnie agreed, nodding as he thought about the plan. "We should definitely get five of us for the underboss," He spoke after a moment, nodding with another grunt. His mind was already considering their group members, who they would bring with them. They would have to be careful, though. They couldn't just bring anyone, since some of their gang members were more... Reckless.
"Tanner and Foxy have done this kind of stunt before. If you remember the Jackrabbits, Tanner and Foxy were the ones that took out both bosses on their own within two days. Those two are the ones that should have the job of actually killing the underboss if we bring them with us. I'm thinking Andrew could be our third sentry after you and me; The ones that'll keep eyes and ears open for trouble as we move throughout the house." Freddy recommended his choices, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
Bonnie nodded as he considered Freddy's suggestions. "Right... Yes, that would probably be a good team." He replied, nodding with that same grunt as he thought of the names that Freddy had mentioned. "Tanner, Foxy, Andrew, you and me... That would be a solid team." He agreed, crossing one leg over the other as he waited for Freddy to drive them closer to their next target.
"See if you can get Andrew to pick up. He's the one that's the least busy out of the three, so he'll be the most likely to answer. We'll see if we can get this done tonight. It'll only be so long before the news of their boss's death makes it's way to the rest of them." Freddy spoke, turning onto the road that'd lead them out into the country, where their next target would lie.
Bonnie nodded as he agreed to try to get a hold of Andrew. He pulled out his phone, dialing the number that he had. He waited a few moments as his phone rang, waiting until someone picked up on the other end of the call. "So... I got Andrew," He spoke after hanging up the phone, waiting a few moments as the car continued driving down towards the country side, "He's on board, so we'll have our whole team together for this," He continued, leaning back in his seat with a low grunt.
"Let's hope it goes well, then. Especially in regards to you... We still have to decide what to do about your pregnancy. Whether we're going to decide to keep the child and have you take maternity leave after birth, or whether we're going to decide to terminate it. I'd like to be able to make that decision for ourselves and not have it decided by a rival gang member, thank you." Freddy commented, knowing that Bonnie was still a little annoyed that he had gotten pregnant so soon after they had been legally bonded to eachother.
Bonnie let out a slight sigh as he remembered the fact that he was pregnant, his stomach aching slightly as he did so. His pregnancy had been a surprise, that was for sure, but it had also been a bit unfortunate. It was not timed well, and it had made him a bit annoyed as well when it had happened, although he understood why Freddy was worried about it. "I'd.... prefer to not terminate it," He said, sighing again as his stomach continued to ache, and he shifted about in his seat.
"Ultimately it's going to come down to the boss's decision whether we are allowed to raise the child," Freddy spoke with a low sigh. "He wouldn't force you to get an abortion if you didn't want one, but he's had parents give up their child for adoption if he felt that it'd be a waste of time to raise it. Since we're not among his most trained or capable, he might let it slide and allow us to raise the baby if you are truly set on going through with the pregnancy."
"You... already talked to the boss about it?" Bonnie asked quietly, his eyes looking forwards as he thought about what the boss would want. He wanted to go through with the pregnancy, but he also knew the fact that if the boss didn't agree with it, there wasn't much he could do about it. Maybe he could convince the boss, he thought with a small grunt. "I... still want to go through with it though," He continued,
"I want to raise it."
"We're past the mark of being able to have a legal abortion, so if he decides that he doesn't think it's a good time it's going to be a nightmare trying to find another gang that have access to the drugs that'd terminate the pregnancy." Freddy sighed, feeling stressed about the potential of them having to seek out other methods of termination if their boss was difficult with his decison.
"Right... Right," Bonnie agreed, nodding as he tried his best to remain silent. He knew that they were past the normal length of time for an abortion, but he also knew that some gangs still had connections that would allow for them to get a hold of the drugs needed. They were probably expensive, and might not even work, but they existed.
"Still... I... really want to go through with this," He spoke, "The baby might be a burden, but I'll still find a way to raise it."
"The boss is thinking about it, but if we remind him about options such as daycare when they're still young and beneath school age, he might allow us to keep the baby. After they are of school age, after school we can begin training them for them to become another member of the gang. I did that growing up, and I was 12 when I began training. If we can convince him, we could begin when they're younger than that. The only real thing that'd make or break the boss's decision is at what point you need to take maternity leave and stop going out on missions and for how long you'd stay on maternity leave. You'd need time to recover from the birth, and you'd need to establish breastfeeding with the child. That'd be 2 months minimum, and probably longer." Freddy sounded slightly stressed about it, but it wasn't him not wanting the child, it was him worrying about how long Bonnie could go without being pushed to return to working in the family's activities.
Bonnie nodded as Freddy spoke, his mind trying to see things from the boss's point of view. He understood the fact that his pregnancy would be an issue for the gang, since it would take him out of commission for at least two months, which was not something that the boss would be a fan of. He would still have to deal with the boss's decision though, so there was no point in getting too upset over it.
"Right... right," Bonnie chimed, "Well... I'll just have to wait and see what he decides, right?"
"He said by next week he'll have an answer, and that he's getting input from both the underboss and from parents in the gang who have gone through it before. He was wanting an estimate of how long you'd need to recover. He's aware that every pregnancy is different and that there could be any number of complications that'd require you to be out longer, so he's wanting the input of as many people as possible who could help him decide whether the timing is right. I did tell him that you wanted to keep the baby, and he said that your input would play a part in his final decision." Freddy said, looking out the window through the dark landscape, noticing the house's lights in the distance.
"That's fair..." Bonnie murmured, following Freddy's lead as he looked out at the landscape, towards the house's lights that were in the distant horizon. "I... appreciate the fact that you told him that I want to keep the baby," He spoke quietly, letting out a soft sigh as he looked back up at the window, "Hopefully when we get the decision it'll be in our favor."
"Mhm," Freddy hummed, pulling over to the side of the road about a half mile down the road from the house to prevent their car from being seen by their rivals. "Did Andrew give you a timeframe of when he'd be here with the other guys?" He asked, returning to the topic of their current mission.
"He said that he would be here in about fifteen minutes or so," Bonnie responded quietly, leaning back in his seat as he glanced out the window. The area around them was pitch black as they waited for the other three to arrive. The lights in the distance still glowing brightly.
"Well then, to keep us from being detected, let's turn off the headlights so they won't know we're out here." Freddy said, turning off the headlights afterwards. He kept the rear lights on so the other guys would know where they had parked and to avoid them hitting them if they decided to pull over in the same area.
Bonnie nodded as he saw the headlights turn off, waiting patiently as he was able to see more of the dark road ahead. Freddy was smart for keeping the rear lights on, and he kept quiet as they waited for the other three to arrive. This was supposed to be a quick and easy job. They were just here to take out the underboss. It shouldn't be too hard, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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