Chapter 5: Eclipse of One at the Time

Start from the beginning

Midnight: (everytime he says a word a heavy breath happens) Strike...

Crystal: What?

Midnight: Strike... Don't... Leave... Me...

Crystal: Midnight!!!

Midnight: Uhhh! (Starts to calm himself down)

Crystal: What happened?

Midnight: I...

Crystal: So you don't want to talk about it.

Midnight: Not until this headaches leave alone

Crystal: Fine. So what are we gonna do now

Midnight: Let's go shopping before the Eclipse is coming

Crystal: Ok let's go then. (Gets up)

Midnight: Yeah (Midnight sheds a tear)

1:50 pm

Crystal: I think its time to go

Midnight: I think you're right, wait I think I know a shortcut but...

Crystal: But...?

Midnight: But it's inside the forest

Crystal: It doesnt matter, the faster the better

Midnight: Ok then let's go

They both went into the forest and started walking, Midnight started feeling something wrong, like he was watched.

Crystal: What's wrong?

Midnight: I swear down we're being watched by something or by someone.

A Rhydon jumped out of bush immediatly scaring the two eeveelutions. Midnight got in figthing stance defending Crystal. The Rhydon striked and Midnight pushed Crystal out of the way being hit in the process.

Midnight: Ughh... Huh!...

Then the Rhydon got a Scratch to him and Midnight used Detect to try to evade the attack but he got his right eye ecratched in the process.
Blood started dripping slowly from the cut.

Midnight: My eye!

Crystal: Midnight, are you ok?

Midnight: I'm fine. (Looks at Rhydon and see his right eye is red) *his a berserk!* Let's get rid of you!

Midnight gets close to him and uses a double kick pushing the Rhydon then uses a Shadow Ball. Rhydon doesn't see Midnight anywhere but turns around and sees him right behind.

Midnight: DIE NOW!!!

The eclipse is happening while Midnight has his yellow fur becomes a cyan light which surprises Crystal while Midnight uses a powerfull Dark Pulse.
The Rhydon tried to fight against but failed to while Midnight started running and using Double Kick finally shattering Rhydon's Face and killed him.
Finally everyone from the ES came and saw Midnight still lighting up blue with Crystal on the ground.

Speed: What happened? Kris are you fine?

Crystal: Yes, we just got attacked by a wild pokemon and Midnight saved me.

Speed: Thanks Midnight

Midnight: No problem... Ughhh! (His eye started to hurt again.)

Pearl: What happened to your eye

Midnight: It's fine, I just got scratched, not a big deal.

Black: It's only me who is gonna point out why is Midnight blue.

Midnight: Fine... I will explain myself. Let me get a bath.

Black: (annoyed) Why, Just tell us now!

Midnight: I promise is gonna explain everything (almost everything)

Midnight was in the bathroom while everyon waited outside. Midnight finally came out looking shiny, like litterally shiny.

Black: You're still blue

Midnight: Yeah, I was born like this.

Silvia: So, you're shiny?!

Midnight: Yes

Speed: Why did you hide it?

Midnight: (lying) I don't like feeling more special than the others.

Crystal: Oh well, thank you for saving me

Midnight: No problem... Uhhhh...

Everyone else except for Crystal: Uhhh...

Crystal gave a small kiss to the cheek to Midnight which made him blush slightly.

Crystal: That's for saving me. (Leaves)

Midnight: S-sure

A while later...

We see Black going where Midnight had the fight earlier. He finds Midnight's satchel which had some pokecoins, old photos and his ID. Black picked it up and looked at it, he was surprised.

Black: He lied. HE LIED! I knew something was wrong about him, but he lied about his name aswell. Tommorow he is gonna have a big talk with me.

The End of Chapter of Chapter 5

Sorry for the long wait of almost 2 weeks but I was a litt lazy which on my behalf is my fault, also school came so that makes me update books slower. Next chapter is about Midnight's first on scren mission.

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