Chapter 5: Eclipse of One at the Time

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After 2 days...

Midnight: (wakes up) It's so great I can take a day off to see IT.

Midnight goes downstairs to the living room where there were Black, Pearl, Flare and Leaf.

Midnight: Morning (yawns) Pearl!

Pearl: Morning!

Midnight:(excited) So are you excited for the eclipse, we didn't have another one for 3 year.

Pearl: Did you really forget about that? (She points at Midnight's forehead)

Midnight: Don't forget that it only happens while I use my moves or get excited... (realises)

Midnight jumps behind the couch for not letting anyone except Pearl see what happened.

Midnight: (under his breath) Phew... That was close.

Pearl: Do you really don't want to tell anyone?

Midnight: Nah...

Black: What are you talking about?

Midnight: Nothing important.

Black: (in his mind) Something fishy here.

Midnight: So anyway... Pearl when is the Eclipse happening

Pearl: It's around 2pm

Midnight: Ok, then perfect. I'm going out.

Crystal: Mind if I come aswell

Midnight: Sure

Once Crystal and Midnight leave the house Silvia appears.

Silvia: I hear a ship sailling...

(To Crystal and Midnight sitting on a bench in Sunny Town)

Crystal: So, how was your day?

Midnight: Fine, nothing too exciting and nothing worse. Also have you ever went to school

Crystal: Not really

Midnight: (surprised) How so?

Crystal: We were borned without parents

Midnight: So that will make you wild!?

Crystal: Yes, but is it wrong?

Midnight: No, not for me. But the mons in this city don't welcome wildmon.

Crystal: I know but nothing but too bad happen. So how was school for you?

Midnight: Fine, had friends, some still are, some are enemies and some... just could never see them again.

Crystal: What do you mean by "never see them again"?

Midnight: I mean they just left or might have just... died.

Crystal: Example?

Midnight: I had two friends when I was in school, they were my only true friends, including Pearl. After the school break they didnt come anymore so I though they left the town during the break. I did more digging about it and realized they might be dead.

Crystal: How so?

Midnight: In the news, it said that an Assassin killed their mother while the dad went to prison for killing him back. The daughters bodies were no where to be found.

Crystal: And your single friends is now Pearl?

Midnight: Not really, when I left the house to explore I made some new friends but this time I... Ahhh...

Midnight gets a quick headache and starts breathing heavily which concerns Crystal.

Crystal: Are you ok?

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