EXTRA 1: New Character!

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Thank you for the 100 views!
In exchange we will have a new character and also Q&A is open!
You ask me questions and I will answer them but if the answer or question have spoilers then you will see what happens.

Now let's watch this extra:

In the Living Room...

Crystal, Flare, Speed, Midnight and Sylvia are watching TV with a race happening.

Reporter: Today we are here for the Grand Finals of The Poke Race Cup. The finalists are ready to go on the start line let's who will win.

A Vaporeon, Raboot, Aracanine, Sawk and a Zoroark are standing on the start line being ready to start the race.

3... 2... 1... GO!

Reporter: And look at them going.

They all start running while the crowd cheers then on.

Crystal: Who do you think will win? I think the Vaporeon will.
Midnight: You might be right, he won the last 2 anual races, he might win this one as well.
Speed: Well I think Aracnine because he is one of the fastest there.
Silvia: Pearl. Can you please tell us who will win?

Pearl was in the kitchen.

Pearl: If I tell you then it willn't be exciting anymore.

Reporter: The participants are being very fast but they have to remember that they can also use their moves to only help themselves.

Then the Arcanine uses Flamethrower which makes the opponents to dodge it while the Raboot jumps over and continues running. Then the vaporeon transforms into water and when it passes the Arcanine it transforms back.

Reporter: What strategy to use. I never seen that one before!

The Raboot and Vaporeon are toe to toe but then thw Vaporeon jumps over finishing first.

Reporter: Vaporeon wins the Race!

Cryatal: YEAH! I was right! I knew he is gonna win.

Reporter: So how was the race? Did you find it exciting? How can you pull 3 wins in a row? Also what's your name?

Vaporeon: My secret is that I love to race. Also my name is Leo.

He winks at the camera. Midnight looks at Leo on the TV and wonders.

Midnight: (thinks) Did I see him somewhere else?

End of Extra 1!

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