you're boring kiddo

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A heavy weight on Leah's chest woke her up the next morning, looking down to have found Jess to have literally rolled on top of her in the middle of night. Her fist was clenched around Leah's t-shirt, as if she were scared her older sister would make a sudden movement, her other hand with her thumb in her mouth. Despite being fast asleep, she had still subconsciously found her way to Leah.

Everything from the day before came flooding back to her; the seizure, the media, even the fear of just trying to put her sister to sleep. It wasn't much of a fight. Jess was desperate to not leave Leah's side, and quite frankly, Leah wasn't keen on the idea either, fearful of what would happen if she were to have a seizure in the night.

In the end, she simply tucked Jess into her own queen size bed. Though, she does remember distinctly falling asleep on separate sides of the bed. 

There was no rush though this morning, as is often with their mornings. She wasn't having to hurry up her sister who was idly daydreaming, nor was she having to organise and pack a whole bag full of items; it was a peaceful morning, for once.

Their peace was easily disrupted though, an incoming text message reminding Leah that just because life has come to a halt for them, doesn't mean it has for everybody else. Leah didn't mind though, especially not text messages from this specific person. In fact, her cheesy grin sort of exposed her for the fact that she didn't just not mind getting the text, but that she looked forward to them.

Lia❤️: are my two favourite people doing alright this morning? x

Leah❤️: not sure, haven't seen Beth and Viv today x

Lia❤️: ahh, so funny aren't you Williamson! How is she? x

Leah❤️: yeah, i am a bit of a comedian. She's exhausted, still fast asleep against my chest, but that's to be expected x

Lia❤️: oh little munchkin🥺am i okay to pop over after training to see you both? x

Leah❤️: we'd love it if you did x

Lia❤️: would you like me to bring anything? x

Leah❤️: just seeing you is more than enough x

Lia❤️: stop being soppy, I'm at training and the girls can see the messages x

She laughed, knowing that the girls would all be likely to be taking the absolute mick out of Lia at the moment, as they do for any signs of affection showed in the team. 

Soft snores continue to come from the small girl, who's thumb still rested peacefully in her mouth. Placing her phone to the side, Leah decided to take a few minutes to just watch her younger sister, not often having a moments peace to simply appreciate her.

Using her index finger, she softly traced the features of the small girls face, outlining each single freckled, stroking it up and down her small button nose. Leah was trying her best to be careful, not wanting to wake her younger sister up.

There was nobody she loved more in the world. She genuinely believed she had more love for one singular freckle on Jess' face than she did for anyone in the entire world. It was impossible for her to love like she did for her sister. Her pride in her, after everything she had been through.

It dawned on Leah after a while, that she couldn't spend all day in bed, appreciating how much she loved her sister, despite wanting to more than anything. Slipping herself out the cover, she bit her bottom lip, watching Jess' body stir slightly at the movement, sighing when the small girl settled herself back down.

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