normality back, kiddo

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Lia wiggled her key around in the lock a few times, the telltale sign that the occupants of the house hadn't left that day, as she moved to nudge to door open. Expecting a greeting from the older woman, she was caught off guard when she was met with a silence, removing her coat to place on her hanger, along with her shoes.

"Leah? Le? I'm home"

Her calls were once more met with a silence, as she moved to place her gear back on the side in their utility room, a stench arising from her training gear. She ran through a myriad of reasons on why the house held such a quietness to it, that usually wasn't about, turning the corner into the living room, to be greeted with the clear reason as to why, one that wasn't on her list.

On the grey fabric, L-shaped sofa, laid both Leah, and Jessica. Leah was stretched out, fast asleep, her face as peaceful as ever, with her arms wrapped around her younger sister, who was curled up into her side. The two of them were practically squashed together, facing into one another, with Leah's arms protectively swarming Jessica, who's head was nestled into the defender's chest. Her left hand rested beside where he head laid, on her older sisters chest, with her right holding onto Leah's arms, firming her in place as to never let go. Both of them were fast asleep, content in the company of one another as they embraced being reunited together once more. 

She could only smile, at the peace of knowing that the sister duo had once more found themselves to be inseparable. Rather than interrupting their moment, Lia decided to get started with their dinner, having arrived home slightly later than usual from training overrunning. As soon as she had arrived in the morning, she found herself bombarded with questions to do with Jess very quickly, the girls all concerned about their mini best friend. It was heart warming to her, to see them all care just as deeply as the rest, and made it better to be able to tell them that she was at home, safe and warm, where she should be.

Deciding on just a simple dinner for the girls, Lia made a start, moving to grab her pans ready.


It took her a while to finish the concoction, knowing that it couldn't be anything to extreme given the fact that the Williamson pairing weren't exactly known for their extravagant taste buds. Finalising the sauce, she had opted to make a spaghetti bolognaise, perfecting it to a standard she was happy with, plating it up for each of them, ensuring that Jessica's wasn't touching. She prolonged waking the two of them up for as long as possible, setting the table, plating some garlic bread, pouring drinks, until it was inevitable. 

She softly moved over to the sofa, neither of the two of them having moved in the hour and a half it had taken her to prepare dinner. Lia was uncertain to how she could do, hesitant in waking them up after seeing how comfortable they both were for the first time in weeks, but she was brutally aware to the fact that neither of them had likely eaten all day, and probably wouldn't sleep tonight. She moved to kneel beside Leah, having decided that the older of the pair was probably the easiest to wake, still unsure to how the young girl would react to her.

"Le, you need to wake up."

Placing her hand on her healthy shoulder, Lia ever so slightly shook the defender, hoping that she would come around. Moving to rub her eyes, Leah awoke at the movement, letting out a small yawn as she went to wrap her arms back around her baby sister.

"Evening Leah. Dinner's ready."

"Ah, thanks Lia. I would've done it but-"

"No worries. Glad to see you have your little one back."

A smile wormed it's way onto Leah's face, bigger than any she has managed to find in weeks, as she took a second to soak in her younger sister's presence for a final few seconds before she had to awaken her out of the deepened slumber. Her younger sister always had the same sleeping style, and it was the sweetest thing in the entire world to Leah; her mouth slightly ajar, her thumb in her mouth, her baby hairs all over the place, curled into a small ball. It was one of hundreds of Leah's favourite things to do with Jessica. The older woman's slight movement of pulling herself upwards had brought a sense of awakening over the young girl, who didn't require anything else before she began to open her eyes, squinting at being met with the brightened lights of her living room. 

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