"Happy birthdayyyy." Jake engulfs ms in a hug, Maia's older brother blowing a noise maker as he pulls away before dropping a handful of confetti on my head. "How's it feel to still be young as shit?."

I glare at him jokingly, shaking my hair out to get the colored paper out before shooting back my retort, "I don't know, how's it feel to be closer to 30?"

"You wound me." He holds his heart, backing away before saluting as he disappears further into the house. "Happy birthday again squirt."

"Thanks." As I respond both Maia's father and step mother come to hug me, commenting on how much I had grown since the last time they had seen me before gesturing to the living room table, a light blue tabor cloth covering it with a few gifts littered about.

"You can take them back to open at home if you want, or you guys are free to spend the night." Her father comments, voice booming over the low music in the background. "We have 4 guestrooms, all upstairs and down the hallway to the left so you guys can split amongst yourselves." He chuckles, turning to apologize to me for not being able to stay as him and his wife had to fo due to an emergency at the hospital they both worked at.

"Anything that's mine is yours and your friends, happy birthday kiddo." He kisses the top of my head, doing the same to Maia before leaving with his wife. 

Kk, Azzi, Caroline and the rest of the athletes walked up to me after Maia's family had left, all giving me birthday wishes, hugs and joking comments.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRIPPLED!" Paige pretty much yells as she pulls me into a hug, a drink already in her hand as the blonde ruffles my hair in the hug.

I grumble, playfully trying to push the girl off of me. "Hey, I don't even have to use the crutches anymore, it's only wrapped right now. And I'm cleared to play at 100%."

"Okay, half crippled." She jokes, patting my shoulder before scooping the smaller girl up into a bear hug, the junior's feet lifting off the ground slightly as Maia giggled.

"Hi Baby." Paige smiles as she puts the girl down, pecking the smaller girls lips as Maia hums, grinning back.

"Hi love."

"Gay." I chuckle as Maia hits me, starting to open my mouth to joke with my best friend again, I stopped as I feel someone tap my shoulder. Glancing in the direction I felt the tap from, a smiling Nika stands in front of me. The girl wearing an orange tank top, denim jeans with her hair pressed fully straight.

I have to stop my gaze from dropping lower than the girls mid chest as I look back up, a small smirk playing on the Croatian's face as I blush lightly.

"Happy Birthday Alyssa." She speaks, arms open as I move to hug her, melting into the other girls touch as her arms wrap around me.

"Thank you Nika." I hum, leaning back slightly to smile back at the girl. The brunettes eyes crinkles as she grins back, moving her hand as she brushes a loose strand hair behind my ear.

"Guess I can't tease you about being three years younger anymore huh?"

"Oh fuck off," I huff the comeback out with a laugh, hearing a few of the girls in the living room talking about having a pick-up basketball game in the backyard, Maia's family having a full basketball court as well as a pool. Kk runs over to us when she sees me looking, throwing a arm over both my shoulder and Nika's.

"Hey girlieeee, happy birthday. You want to start this day out right and join us for a quick game?"

"You guys came from basketball practice here.. and want to play another game?" I say with a laugh, of course they did, they loved the game just how I loved volleyball." The 5'9 guard sheepishly smiles at me. "Sure I'll join." I may not play the sport for college but I definitely still had some game.

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