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February 19, 2019.

Nobody had heard from Scrim, for months. Until he finally reached out and told us he was struggling. Really bad with his addiction. I was happy at least one of them was gonna get better. I had left Ruby alone with getting clean, I hoped he'd do it himself. Hoped.

Me and Ruby were laying in bed, he was on his laptop working on something. I don't know what. I was too busy thinking, I do that a lot. Think.

I was laying on my stomach with my face in my pillow, "Aristos?" I said "Yes mama?" He said "Are you guys doing tour this year?" I  looking at him, laying my head on his chest "I'm not sure, why?" Ruby asked and I shrugged, "I love you" I told him and he smiled "I love you too" he said.

A couple of weeks later Scrim got out of rehab, He stayed clean this time. I was still so worried about Ruby and I thought I should tell Scrim, so I did.

I walked up the steps to Scrims porch, knocking on his front door. After a little while he opened the door.

I smiled looking at Scrim, "You look healthy" I said and he smiled "Thank..you?" He said and I nodded, he stepped aside letting me in "Whats so important you had to come over instead of calling me?" He asked "Your cousin, I'm worried about him."i said looking around Scrims common room, "Why? What's going on?" Scrim said and I shrugged looking down at the ground

"he needs to get clean Scrim, soon or he's gonna be dead" I said softly "I'm worried too, but dawg if he wants to get sober, he gotta do that sit on his own. Not us nagging him about that shit." Scrim said and I nodded "We can try to get him help, but he's not gonna want it." Scrim added.

I sighed, looking up at Scrim "thank you" I said softly "But I feel like there's more to it you not telling me" Scrim said and I didn't say anything "What you so worried bout him fore?"Scrim asked "Cause im leaving, and i need him to be okay on his own, and i need him but i have to go" I told Scrim

"why you telling me this?" Scrim asked "Because I need you to take care of him till I get back" I said "He's a grown man he don't." I cut Scrim off "He's struggling Scrim, real bad. And I know you are too under that rough exterior, But your cousin needs you." I told him leaving no room for an argument "You gon be back tho, right? You family Angel" Scrim said and I nodded.

I honestly didn't know if I was gonna be back, but at some point I'd try to be back.

"I'm gonna try to be back, I will." I said hugging Scrim, and he hugged me back. I walked away from Scrim to the door "Tell Aristos I love him." I said walking out his house and to my car, starting it up.

The whole reason I left Ruby and new Orleans was because I had to pay off a debt, a deadly debt that was gonna land me in jail. Purposely.
*(A/nBare with me guys.)
June,16 2022.

I sighed, finally back home in New Orleans, I was iny car driving to Ruby's house. I didn't know if he still lived there but I was gonna find out. I looked at myself in my rearview mirror, my hair being died lighter brown, the piercings in my face. I did look different. or more like myself now.

I turned the corner, the same car of Ruby's in the driveway, just different wrapping, Scrims car also . I parked on the street locking my car up. I walked to Ruby's front door knocking. I had called scrim weeks ago telling him I'd be back in town soon.

I turned looking back at the street I heard the front door open being met with a familiar face I couldn't put my finger on, soon realizing "Sage?!" I said softly and she smiled "Angel?" She said hugging me, I hugged her back "What are you doing here?" I asked her " I could ask you the same thing!" I said smiling

"You and Scott?" I asked her and she nodded, "You and Ari?" She said and I shrugged "is he here..?" I asked and she nodded "He's upstairs." She said and stepped aside letting me in. Scrim looked at me and I furrowed my eyebrows "God, you.. look way different" I say looking at him "So do you" he said hugging me, I hugged him back.

Sage closed the door coming over to us, she was smiling softly.  Me and her sat down on the couch, Scrim walked away upstairs. "Where have you been?" Sage asked me "in the pen" I told her and she nodded "I haven't seen you in forever, you look so different" she told me and we laughed. I had on a black dress with a black cropped jean jacket.

We sat there catching up until Scrim came downstairs with a wide grin on his face, I got up hearing Ruby's footsteps behind him.

Once he got down the stairs, his eyes scanned me up and down he didn't say anything but looked at me "Where you been?" He said and I smiled softly "In the pen" I told him "And you couldn't have called?" Ruby asked me "No" I said and he walked over to me hugging me, I hugged him back smiling.

He broke the hug looking at the new to him tattoos that were old to me, they looked professional but they definitely were not, he looked at the tattoos covering my arms and my peircings. Scrim cleared his throat "You don't gotta ruin their moment Scott" Sage said and Scrim laughed "I'm not" he said and Sage laughed.

"why were you even in Prison for?" Sage asked and I sat back down next to her "umm.. a lot" I said, Scrim sat next to Sage and Ruby sat down also "Like what?" She asked "it's better if you don't know" I said and Ruby and Scrim started laughing "What?" Sage asked

"That's what she told us all the time.." Ruby said.

(A/n idk what's gonna happen in the next chapter but my gf helped me a lil with this one love u bby)

"I think you're my Angel" Ruby the Cherry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now