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August 29 2018

It had been two years since the boys were on tour, we were back in New Orleans.

I had sold my house and moved in with Ruby, We never brought up what we talked about on the tour bus.

It wasnt worth mentioning, Well to me it wasn't.

We were sitting outside on the front porch, Ruby was sitting in one of those porch chairs, they were uncomfortable to me.

I was sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette, Ruby was about to leave to go out with Scrim somewhere. I didn't know where and quite frankly didn't care. I wanted him home with me, but family was important.

I didn't have a family anymore, I just had Ruby and his family. Including his music family.

"Angel?" I heard Ruby call my name and I turned to look at him "Yeah?" I said softly "You wanna come with me or stay at the crib?" He asked and I shook my head "imma stay home" I said "You sure?" Ruby asked "Do you want me to go?" I said putting the cigarette out "If you wanted too" Ruby said and I nodded

I got up off the steps, walking inside the house. Ruby sat outside for a few more minutes, I walked into me and Ruby's bedroom grabbing my keys and my purse.

I walked back out on the porch "Where are you going ma?" Ruby asked " I'll be back baby" I said and he looked at me "Okay.. you got your phone?" He asked "I always do" I say walking to my car unlocking it "I love you, I'll be back" i said and looked At Ruby.

He looked at me for a moment "I love you too beautiful" Ruby said and i smiled getting into the car starting it and pulling out the driveway, I started to drive to the Lake.

Once I got there I parked my car, looking over the water. Soon I heard footsteps and looked up to be met with the eyes of my brother

"hey Angel" Jax said and I smiled "Hey big brother" I mumbled, he had his hair pulled back and his hood up "How much longer I gotta keep ducking everybody?" He asked "Uh, until they find your body or his." I said staring back at the water and sighing

"What's on ur mind angel?" He said and I shrugged "You know that boy I've been with, for years?" I said looking up at Jax and he nodded "I'm worried for him" I said "Why?"Jax asked "He has an addiction, or well multiple and im just worried" i said softly "Well now you know how me and Zatt felt for years about you" Jax said

"You better get to skipping town before they find you, missing person of the year" I said looking at Jax "I will, be safe little sis I love you" He said hugging me and I hugged him back walking away to his car.

I smiled softly walking to my car.

I got home two hours later, I was getting a pericing or well, two and a tattoo. It was behind my ear and it was my name with a butterfly and a blade. I pulled into the driveway, all the lights were on.

I turned the car off, opening The door and locking it going inside. Ruby was sitting on the couch with Scrim. They had music playing loudly and a blunt rolled up.

I walked over to Ruby kissing his cheek before going to our bedroom, I took my clothes off climbing into bed. I was exhausted mentally and physically.

I slept for hours until I woke up to our bedroom door opening, "Ma, you up?" I heard Ruby asked "Mhm" I mumbled, he climbed into bed next to me, his eyes scanning over my body.

"Ruby... I'm worried about you baby.."I told him "Why? I'm good" Ruby said "No, your not. Your using really bad..."I told him and he stared blankly back into my face "I'm good." He said and I nodded moving closer to him.

He held me close to him as we both fell asleep, I held him closer. I didn't want him leaving, I needed to feel he was safe but it was kinda hard in New Orleans to feel safe.

That next morning, Ruby woke up to knocking on his door. It was Their photographer Max. Ruby and Scrim were supposed to take some pictures that morning, but shut Ruby was too fucking high for it and nobody could get up with Scrim after last night.

"I can come back a different day ?" Max said and Ruby nodded "Yeah, it's also the ass crack of dawn dawg.. come back a different time too" Ruby said and Max smiled "I will brother, see you" Max said walking away back to his car.

By then, I was already up and I was standing in the doorway of the bedroom in my robe "Good morning beautiful" Ruby said and my face heated up , smiling at him "I love you, and you know this right?" I said and Ruby sighed "I know ma, I know" Ruby told me "I need you to get it under control. Or you need to get clean, Ruby please. I know you don't wanna hear it but please." I said looking up at him. "I know, I'm trying" Ruby told me pulling me into a hug

"Please baby, I can't lose you" I mumbled quietly "I'm not leaving ma" Ruby said and I felt tears fall from my face. Ruby picked me up setting me down on the counter, we were face to face.

"Mama, I love you to death. I do always n forever, Ian good with this talking shit. But I love you n I know you need me, so why would I do something to hurt you?" Ruby said, I hated being vulnerable in front of Ruby, even if I loved him there's things you don't show your partner. And for me that was a weakness.

I laid my head on Ruby, tears falling from my face. I didn't know what to say to him. I understood his struggles, I've had my own with addiction. Drugs and self harm. But this was different.

Ruby wiped the tears from my face, "I love you Aristos." I told him and he smiled softly "I love you too Angel."He said kissing my forehead "Im not gonna go anywhere, imma get it together." Ruby said.

"Promise." Ruby said, I nodded. I wanted him better, I wanted to see him healthy and well happy. I wanted that for him.

I got down off the counter, walking to the bedroom sitting down, Ruby didn't follow. Maybe, just maybe. It'd be easier for him to get sober without me?

                      Without me.

"I think you're my Angel" Ruby the Cherry FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora