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(Tw/ implied Sa)

I sat in my car thinking.. should I do this? Can I just leave my parents? Can I just leave Natalie..


I turned my car on driving to my house, I parked on the street, there was a car in my driveway.

I got out my car locking it behind me, there was a man on my porch. I walked up to the porch stopping on my steps.

"Hey angel"... "Zack what the fuck are you doing here.." I said look at him, he looked at me "I heard what happened.."Zack said "I don't give a fuck what you heard! How are you just gonna show up here after ghosting me for years!"I said yelling at him, he didn't save anything but hugged me..

"I'm sorry angel"I didn't say anything but cried into his chest. He held onto me rubbing my back.. I pushed myself up off of him.. "where have you been.." I asked and he sighed "my business took off.. I'm sorry.." he said and I groaned "Your so fucking stupid! You couldn't have just told me!" I said

He sighed and stepped aside, I sighed frustrated unlocking my front door and going inside, I walked to my bedroom and sat on my bed.. Zack walked in after me goin to my kitchen.

I walked to my closet grabbing my bag packing my clothes into one bag, my shoes and other essentials in another. Zack walked into my room handing me a cup of water

"You needa relax" he said and I shrugged placing my bags down by my bedroom door, drinking some of the water. I sat on my bed, and the last thing I remembered was my phone going off..
When I woke up it was the afternoon, I woke up to the sound of my front door opening and my name being called, it was foggy but I could make out the voice. It was Ruby. I groaned sitting up realizing my clothes were gone, I looked over at Zack and he was asleep in his Boxers.

I heard my bedroom door open, my body was cold and my face was pale. Ruby looked at him and then me, my lip was quivering.

"Angel." Ruby said and I could hear the anger and worry in his voice, "Ari.. I.. I don't know.." I said tryna get my words together, he looked at me and I stood up my hips having bruises on them, but I couldnt tell if they were from Ruby.

"Angel, angel.." Ruby said looking at me, the bruises on my inner thighs told him a story I hadn't realized yet, he walked over to me grabbing one of my shirts pulling it over my body and I shook, it was freezing.

Ruby looked back at Zack and at me, " go get dressed and go to my car." Ruby told me and I nodded grabbing my bags and walking out my room, I pulled on a pair of my panties and my black jeans with my white forces.

Walking to Ruby's car, I threw my stuff in the back sitting in the passenger seat,

Ruby walked out the house a few minutes later, his jaw bruised and his knuckles swole a little. He got in the driver's seat starting up his car. Neither of us spoke, there was nothing to say.

We rode to the place where the bus was parked., when we got there Scrim was standing outside his eyes widen at Rubys jaw "the fuck happened to you dawg?" Scrim asked looked between me and him, I shrugged looking down at the ground.

Ruby got my stuff and put it in the Bus, grabbing my hand gently and walking on the bus with me, his hand holding onto mine.

Scrim shrugged walking on the bus behind us closing the door, Ruby sat down and I sat down next to him laying my head in his lap until I fell asleep.

It was just scrim and Ruby.

"What happened" Scrim asked " I haven't seen you pissed in awhile" Scrim added " a fuckin bum.. put his hands on her." Ruby said, and Scrim nodded "and you dealt with it?" Scrim asked and Ruby nodded.
When I woke up, I was in Ruby's lap. My hands around his neck and my face in his neck, he held me close to him scared I was finna go somewhere. He was talking to scrim and who I assumed was Pouya. Assumed.

I moved my hand down to his chest which told him I was up, he moved his hand off my back I rubbed my face sitting up, looking at Scrim and an unfamiliar face. I got off Ruby's lap sitting next to him. The man Infront of me had a safe and calm presence, unlike scrim. He felt like a ticking time bomb. Ruby felt like one too, just a little more calm.

I looked at him and he looked at me

"I'm ghostemane or Eric."


"I think you're my Angel" Ruby the Cherry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now