Chapter 19 - Saving Tasha

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Four and a half hours later, Natalie woke up when the plane began to descend and although she usually hated the landings more than the takeoffs, because she was securely nestled against Thor's chest, she felt totally safe. He was holding her gently but securely against him and she never wanted this flight to end.

She turned her head and saw that Wolf was already awake and looking out the window. She kissed Thor on the side of his neck and he hummed as he slowly began to wake up.

Just then Jim's voice came over the speaker and he quietly said "Time to wake up and fasten your seat belts guys. We'll be landing in a few minutes so bring your seat backs upright."

All of the guys woke up and Fist moaned. "Are anyone else's ears plugged up?"

"Hold your nose and gently blow or yawn. That should clear them." Natalie told him. She may hate flying but she had done enough of it to know the tricks. They all straightened their seats and tightened their seat belts and thankfully 10 minutes later they touched down on the tarmac. Jim taxied to the small planes terminal and as soon as the engines shut down, he opened the door and dropped the stairs. He waited until they had all left the plane then taxied over to a holding area where he could park his plane until he was ready to take off again, which wouldn't be until he had a chance to get some sleep and could refuel.

"Are you guys going to need a ride back?" He had asked before they left him.

"No. Thanks for the ride, Jim, some of our guys are driving up to meet us. If we didn't have a girl in trouble we would have driven up but since it takes over 15 hours to drive up here and only 5 to fly, we didn't want to chance something happening to her before we could get here. Are you headed back right away?" Wolf asked.

"No. I need to sleep and then get refueled and then I'll head home." Jim said. "Be careful guys! Let me know if you need me."

"Thanks." Wolf said as he joined the others.

They entered the terminal and everyone in the room turned to watch them as they entered. It was mostly business men who commuted for their jobs. Natalie excused herself and headed to the ladies room as the guys all entered the men's room. Natalie came out first and headed for the coffee pot. There was a man in a nice business suit pouring himself a cup of coffee and as she came close, he offered to pour one for her and Natalie said "Thanks. Is it drinkable?"

"It'll definitely wake you up." the man replied and he had just finished handing her the cup when his eyes got really big as Thor came up behind her. The man quickly picked up his styrofoam cup and hurried away from the table when Thor put his hands around Natalie's waist.

"How's the coffee?" Thor said with a barely suppressed laugh.

"You are so bad." Natalie grinned at him as she poured him a cup and passed it to him.

They stepped away from the table to allow the others to get a cup of coffee. As soon as Wolf had his, he asked a man where the car rental station was.

"A shuttle comes around every half hour and will take you to the car rental place but if you pre reserved one, you can check in on that kiosk over there and your car should be parked in the parking lot. It will give you the key with a key fob on it and you just have to click the button to find out which one is yours or it will tell you to go to the rental desk via the bus." The man said. It was plain that he did this often.

"Thanks!" Wolf said. "Thor, did Wizard send you a confirmation number for the car rental?" He asked.

Thor pulled out his phone and saw the text from Wizard and handed Wolf his phone. Wolf took it and walked over to the kiosk and punched in the number. Sure enough, a key dropped into the slot and Wolf picked it up and stepped outside. He hit the button on the key fob and the lights flashed and the horn sounded on a large SUV parked 3 spaces away from the terminal.

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