Chapter 17 - Taylor's story

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Happy Belated Birthday Trusty!

As if thinking about her would make her appear, Sean was surprised when he saw Taylor was walking to the bar as Sean hit the bottom step on the ground floor.

"Hey, Taylor. Can I talk to you for a second?" Sean called out to her on impulse.

"Sure, Sean. What's up?" Taylor said as she turned and walked over to him. Sean couldn't blame Trusty for picking her. Taylor was small and maybe a lot older than either of them, but she was still a beautiful woman with pretty blonde hair and big blue eyes. She has a really nice figure but what really made her pretty was that she was just a nice person.

She wasn't a bitch like the other club whores, in fact it felt out of place to call her a club whore since she didn't act like a whore. She was more like a hang around that lived on club property. She didn't rub on up the men or chase after them. She would just go with them if they approached her but only if she was in the mood for sex.

She liked to dance and was the only one that would dance with any of the prospects. All of the others acted like it was beneath them to dance with one of them. Sean had danced with her several times but he had always been respectful in how he held her.

"I was just wondering if you had heard that Jeff got his cut today? Prez gave him the road name Trusty." Sean told her.

"No, I hadn't heard. I'll have to tell him congratulations when I see him." Taylor said.

"Well, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. Please don't tell him I told you but he once told me that when he got his patch, he was kind of hoping that you would.............. Um. Oh Lord, I should have kept my mouth shut and minded my own business. He and I both agree that you are not like the other women and ..............Oh lord, why don't I just shut up! You know what, never mind. It's really none of my business anyway." Sean said, turning radish red and he started to walk away but Taylor grabbed his arm.

"You are sweet, Sean and I think it's nice that you think of me like that. Lord, knows I'd never make it working the streets but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy male company every once in a while. Where is "Trusty"?"

"He's getting a shower. He said he'd be down in a little while." Sean said.

"What room is he in?" Taylor asked.

"The one right next to Wolf and Hope's room. 7th door on the right." Sean said.

"Is today his birthday?" Taylor asked.

"No. It was last month but with all that's been going on, Prez forgot so he just got patched in today. My birthday is in 3 days and I can't wait!" Sean said, not thinking that she might take it as him hinting but like Trusty, he would choose Taylor too.

"Maybe I'll just go and wish him a happy birthday in private so that he's not embarrassed if I give him a birthday kiss. But first I'll go get us a couple of beers." Taylor smiled at Sean who grinned back at her.

"Stay here. I'll get 'em. You want a Corona?" Sean asked. He had worked the bar often enough that he knew everyone's preferences and Corona was a favorite of a lot of the women, if they drank beer.

He ran into the bar, collected the beers and returned to the living room and handed the beers to Taylor.

After Sean left, Trusty got in the shower and washed his hair, which was getting long. It hung almost to his shoulders now. It was a pale brownish blonde. When he finished bathing and got out of the shower, he dried off and tied his towel around his hips. He grabbed another towel and towel dried his hair and combed it out, then brushed his teeth. He was just considering if he should shave or not when there was a knock at his door. He padded over and cracked the door and was shocked when he saw Taylor standing there with two beers in her hands.

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