Chapter 3 - Returning to the compound

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Jess drove the beat up old pick up back to the compound and jerked the wheel back and forth so that he wove from one side of the road to the other causing the tied up man in the back to be thrown from one side to the other in the bed of the old truck. There was all kinds of junk back there that he had to either roll over or that slammed into him with every movement.

"Damn, kid! Don't you know how to drive? You are throwing me all over the place back here." The drunk yelled as he began to sober up.

Jess tapped his brakes a few times to let the brothers riding behind him know that he was about to slam on his brakes, before he stepped on the brake pedal sharply, causing the man to slam into the metal head of the truck bed. Then he stepped on the gas as he did a jack rabbit acceleration, causing the man to slide back down to the tailgate with as much force as the old truck could muster.

Thor, Rooster and the others riding behind the truck began to laugh as they realized what Jess was doing and they stayed well behind him to give him all the room he needed.

When they all pulled into the compound, the drunk was swearing up a blue streak as he struggled to sit up. What he didn't realize was that Jess was still holding the clutch and as soon as the man sat up, Jess popped the clutch, causing the truck to jump and knock him off balance again. All of the men who had been riding behind the truck nearly fell off of their bikes from laughing so hard as they parked in their spots.

Even Thor was laughing as he walked over to the truck and looked into the bed of the pickup. He saw the man tangled in some rope and trying to avoid the glass from some beer bottles that had broken in the back of the truck. The garbage bag that had been full of not only empty beer bottles but dirty diapers and spoiled food and the man was now covered in it.

"Whew! Better shoot the back of this truck down. It stinks!" Thor said to Jess with a wink and a big grin.

"I'll take care of that right now." Jess said, trying not to laugh. He walked over and got the garden hose they used to wash the club vehicles and turned it on full blast. He pinched the hose to keep the water under control until he was standing at the back of the truck and then he pointed it right at Craig, put his thumb over the end and let go of the pinch in the hose.

The blast of water caught Craig right in the face and everyone bent over laughing as he swung his arms around trying to fight off the strong stream of cold water as Jess hosed him down. Craig's hands and feet were still tied together so he wasn't being very effective and after a few minutes, just gave up and dropped his head so that he wouldn't have to take it in the face.

After a couple of minutes, Thor finally called a halt to it and Jess pinched the hose again then ran up and turned it off. Craig began to sputter and swear again as Thor dropped the tailgate then reached in and grabbed his ankles and began to pull him to the end of the truck.

Suddenly Craig screamed out. A broken beer bottle had caught under his butt and cut deep into his left ass cheek.

"Oops!" Thor said "Not sorry."

"You asshole. You'll pay for that." Craig screamed at him.

"Maybe on judgment day but today, you are going to pay for what you did to those kids. Who are they to you, by the way." Thor questioned him.

"They were my sister's kids. She and her husband were killed in a car accident a few months ago. I never wanted kids and actually I'm not supposed to be around them but I'm the only family left. I only took them because I thought I would get the insurance money from the accident but my brother in law's will made the kids the beneficiaries and they can't get the money until they each turn 18, except for living expenses.

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