Chapter 18 - Tasha calls for help!

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When Thor, Nat and the kids had gotten home from the Allen's, Kelly was asleep but the boys had big smiles on their faces and wanted to run and tell everyone about it but Thor and Nat told them that they had to wait until morning, when the men weren't drinking in the bar. Prez had been adamant about them not being anywhere near the room, especially if the club whores were around.

Helen Allen had shown the kids the rooms she was preparing for them and showed them pictures of the furniture she had ordered, telling them that if there was anything that they didn't like, to say something and she would replace it with what they wanted. All of the kids seemed thrilled with her choices.

They had enjoyed an excellent meal and the Allen's home was impressive by most people's standards but it was still nowhere near as large as the house the kids had grown up in.

When Thor had carried Kelly to their room and put her to bed, she woke up as Nat was changing her out of the dress she had worn to dinner into her pajamas. Kelly asked "When are we going to stay at our new house?"

"Soon, baby girl. Soon. There's just paperwork to be done first." Nat tried to explain.

"Okay. I liked my new room. It's going to be so pretty." Kelly said and fell right back to sleep.

Thankfully, Leon said he would see that Joey got out of his suit and it got hung up. That freed up Thor and Natalie to have some time together. Although Thor would have liked nothing better than to pick her up and carry her to his room, she is not a club whore and he refused to treat her like one.

Besides, she looked so pretty in her new dress and he wanted to show her off, maybe even announce that she is his lady and from now on is untouchable.

"Would you like to go have a drink and maybe a dance before we turn in for the night?" Thor asked.

"Sure." she smiled up at him. She was wanting to talk to him but until now, the kids had been there and she did not want them to be involved in this.

They walked down to the bar and as they entered, everyone turned to look, a few even whistled and Thor's fists immediately clinched until someone said "Damn! Is that Thor in a suit? Looking good, big man!" And he realized it was whistles of surprise at his appearance instead of men being rude to Nat.

But just to be sure, he signaled Ivan to turn down the music and as soon as he could speak without having to shout, he said "In case you don't know, this is Natalie. She is the Carter kids bodyguard and my lady, therefore she is untouchable. Please welcome her to the Rescuers MC."

"Welcome Natalie!" sounded around the room and Nat simply said "Thank you!"

Then Prez motioned them over to the executive table where he was sitting with Amanda on his lap, along with Spokes, Bullet, Fist and Wizard. "What would you like to drink, Nat?" Thor asked.

"Since we had wine with dinner at the Allen's, I'd better stick to that. I don't want to be hung over in the morning or sick from mixing drinks." Nat said.

"How was dinner?" Amanda asked.

"Good. She's a good cook. Maybe not as good as Butcher but it was very good. They have a beautiful home. She's going all out to make the kids feel welcome. She even asked what colors I want my room painted and what style of furniture I want. My room is not as big as my room here, but it's nice enough and at least I'll have my own bathroom. They only have the one spare bedroom and Dr. Allen said he might consider either adding on to their house or moving entirely. They bought that house intending to fill it with their own kids before they found out that Helen can't have children." Nat answered her.

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