Chapter 8 - An investigation needed?

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Prez pushed away from his desk and left the room while Leon sat down in his seat and picked up the phone.

As soon as Prez left Leon to make his call, he walked over to Wizard's "cave" and knocked on his door. "Come in."

"Hey Wizard. Any luck on finding out anything about the kids' lawyer?" Prez asked.

"Oh yeah. He's a sneaky bastard. First of all, he's not even a lawyer. His father was but when his father, Alfred, passed away from a massive heart attack, it was probably caused by the fact that his son was skimming off the company's books. Anyway, Albert just stepped in and took over his father's firm after his father died.

Albert never passed the bar and does not have any powers as an attorney. All of the previous attorney's who had worked for his father for years either took early retirement or just quit outright. In fact his company has become a revolving door for new attorneys, who don't stay with him for very long. Mainly because of some shady dealings that he's been associated with.

Anyway, Albert has been running into roadblocks because someone with computer skills has been keeping him from getting to the kids' money. Believe me when I say that whoever this is, is damned good at hacking because they've had me running in and out of backdoors all over the place trying to get past the blocks they have put in place on their accounts. They have blocked the lawyer from gaining control of anything.

Also, Mr. Albert Goldstein is in financial trouble with not only the bank but several dangerous loan sharks. Apparently he has a gambling problem. He has a target on his back and if he doesn't come up with money soon, he's not going to live much longer. If he does manage to get access to that money somehow, he's going to be on easy street. You are not going to believe how much those kids are worth, Prez.

Once their parents' and Cami's insurance policies pay off in addition to what was in their parents' accounts, Leon, Joey and Kelly are going to be multi-millionaire's to the tune of OVER 10 million dollars EACH! And that's a guess because I can't get into all of the records due to the blocks that the hacker has put up." Wizard reported. "Take a look at where the kids used to live." Wizard pulled up a picture of a very impressive red brick home that looked more like a small high end hotel, complete with a large inground pool, pool house, tennis courts, beautifully maintained gardens and what looked like a large detached garage.

"Wow! It's amazing that they are so well mannered. Most of the rich kids I've ever known were little snobs with pissy attitudes but you definitely can't say that about these kids.

Maybe stop chasing the kids' information and try the direct approach to the hacker. Explain who we are and tell them you need their help and are contacting them on behalf of the kids." Prez suggested.

"Well, I can give it a shot." Wizard said.

"Well, I'm going to check back with Leon and see if he's done with his phone call. Let me know as soon as you find out anything else." Prez said and left Wizards "cave".


As soon as Prez left, Leon took a deep breath and then dialed the number Prez had given him. Dr. Allen picked up on the third ring.


"Dr. Allen?" Leon asked.

"Yes, this is Dr. Allen." Dr. Allen responded.

"This is Joey's brother, Leon. Prez said that you and your wife are interested in fostering my brother, sister and I?" Leon said, nervously.

"Yes, we are. I actually treated both your brother and sister, Kelly, when they were first brought into the hospital but I treated and released Kelly, so I didn't get a chance to get to know her. We've only been able to interact with Joey so far but he made quite a good impression on us. We would very much like to meet you and get better acquainted with all of you." Dr. Allen said.

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