Let Me Go Back

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Dad, I miss you too
Mommy is not the same without you
She never will be
I know you found happiness in others
A beautiful wife and a fifth child
They're amazing
I can tell
But you don't talk to us anymore
You don't say you love us
Or tell me to tell my sisters good morning
Before they go to school
I want you to know
I miss your truck
And sleeping in it when we weren't home
I miss our house
Before we were taken away
I miss wearing your clothes
They were always seven sizes too big
I miss you and mommy telling us goodnight
And kissing us on the forehead
Telling me, "Take care of your sisters."
Telling my older sister, "And you, too."
Does your other kid sleep in the truck?
Do you still have the truck?
Does your wife tell anyone to watch over one another during those nights?
You didn't do what mom did
You never sang
Or played guitar
But you did make us feel loved
Way back then
Before we were taken
Before we found out why you weren't home all the time
I love you, Dad
And I miss you

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