6. Dark shadow

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Would it discouraged a stalker from stalking if he knew that they knew?

Observation is the source of all evil.

If you fail at it, you’re screwed. If you’re the subject of it,

you’re also screwed.

Only a few people take the time to observe their surroundings and be aware of their environments.

Most are headed forward, not caring about the opportunities or the chances they miss. If they would just throw a look sideways, if they’d stop to watch, their lives could dramatically change.

Observing my surroundings — especially her — is what has given me a gift very few have…recognising weaknesses.

If you observe someone long enough, you’ll pick up their habits and, just like I did on her.

soon, their telltale signs and their sensitive buttons. It’s all in there, laid out for the taking.

Aperk of being observant is having the element of surprise.

If you can predict everyone’s moves before they make them,

it gives you the chance to take them out at their own side of the battlefield.

The disadvantage is if someone knows you’re observant and hides from you.

And that's what I am doing now, observing her.

As the engines roared to life, I mounted my sleek black motorcycle with an air of ominous determination. The gleaming chrome accents glinted in the moonlight as i revved the engine, the powerful roar echoing through the empty streets.

With a menacing growl, I tore down the road, weaving through traffic with skillful precision. My black leather jacket billowed behind me like a cape as i raced towards my target, my eyes fixed on her  every move.

I rode with an unsettling sense of purpose, my dark silhouette a foreboding presence on the road. With a chilling intensity in my gaze, i stalked my prey with relentless determination.

As I closed in on my sweetheart, my motorcycle seemed to take on a life of its own, devouring the asphalt with a hungry appetite for speed. The roar of the engine seemed to grow louder, drowning out all other sounds as I closed in on my unsuspecting victim. My sweetheart.

With a predatory gleam in my eyes, I made my move, the thrill of the chase coursing through my veins. I was  force to be reckoned with, a dark specter on two wheels, a relentless pursuer in the shadows. And as I  closed in on my target, my prey, there was no escaping the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead.

She was blissfully unaware of my presence as she navigated the streets, her sleek car weaving through traffic with effortless grace. My heart raced with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as I tailed her, my eyes never leaving her car. I have been watching her for years memorizing her daily routine, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make my move.

As we neared the restaurant, i could see her brake lights illuminate as she pulled into the parking lot. I quickly parked my bike nearby, careful to keep a safe distance as i observed her every move.

She emerged from her car, her beauty captivating me even from afar. I watched her walk towards the restaurant, her graceful stride only adding to her allure. The thrill of being so close to her was intoxicating.

My heart raced with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as i tailed her, my eyes never leaving her car.

As she disappeared into the restaurant, i knew this was his chance. With a determined stride, I followed her inside, my heart pounding in my chest.

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