🌟 Rajveer Pratap Singh ~ The Ruthless Prince of Virat! 🌟

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Author's POV:

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Author's POV:

Rajveer had breathed the 20 years of his life for one sole purpose - revenge. Revenge, by killing Nand, capturing Magadh and destroying his whole clan.

In the early years of his life, Acharya had narrated to him, the treacherous killing of his father and the atrocities beheld by Nand upon his mother, being in the dungeon (Kaal-Kothri) of Magadh.

Rajveer grew up listening to the descriptions of the tortures faced by his mother and how mercilessly his father was slaughtered, followed by his head being offered at the feet of Rani Anamika (the Queen of Magadh), after which Nand deceitfully claimed himself the King, preceded by marrying her.

He had heard, how then, his mother was thrown into the prison, her hands shackled by the chains, being continuously harassed by Nand for several consecutive years, and her condition still remains to be the same.

Listening to these stories had rendered Prince Rajveer heartless, and he vowed to avenge his father's gruesome murder and every bit of the humiliation his mother had endured.

Listening to these stories had rendered Prince Rajveer heartless, and he vowed to avenge his father's gruesome murder and every bit of the humiliation his mother had endured

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His Guru had brought him to Virat safely, where he lived with his wife, after taking him away from the prison, the night soon after his delivery.

Virat, at the time of Rajveer's birth, was a small Kingdom directly under Sardar Raimal, and indirectly ruled by Nand, the Emperor of Magadh (a major Kingdom).

Rajveer's early life was spent with the Acharya and his wife, in their hermitage, where he mastered several martial arts including practices such as wrestling and walking and horse-riding on water.

Once he was fully trained, Rajveer, at the age of 19 and a half years, under the supervision of his Guru Acharya, planned an attack on Virat, where he was the Army's Commander - in - Chief. After a ferocious battle with uncountable deaths on both sides, he was successful in slaying the Sardar and taking over Virat.


It has been six months after the Virat Battle, and since then, Rajveer has fulfilled all the duties of a loyal, faithful and compassionate King to the people (praja) of Virat and the Kingdom had prospered tremendously under his rule. But, the formal Coronation was still to be done, which was to take place 3 days later.

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